10 thousand rubles was given to the Russian families with children from 3 to 16 years old in June, then in July, now all hope that August is suddenly, and again break off from the state?!
And only we, the parents of children from 16 to 18, again nothing. “Let them go to work,” a feeling of inner superiority suggest moms and dads of toddlers to those whose offspring are older. Though also not of legal age, studying in colleges, graduate schools.
said the same thing and guarantor of the new Constitution: seniors may well take care of myself.
Who and how will take working older students and will cover their earnings to the assistance of the authorities, found the “MK”.
My daughter Pauline – 17 years. She had just finished tenth grade. Like most peers, the year she turned out to be difficult – first, the coronavirus that is then…
And if devyatiletku and graduates with at least canceled the exams, those only passed in the eleventh, no concessions and financial preferences are not supposed to. Anyway, it turns out that they are the children of “second class”.
Originally thought that the payment of 10 thousand rubles for children from 3 to 16 years will be single. This measure of support has been specially established in order to help Russian families during the pandemic and coronavirus isolation. The payments were approved by order No. 317, which Putin signed on 11 may 2020. The money began to transfer from 1 June.
Many parents and experts believe that additional funds will be useful to prepare for the new school year, especially for large families. In the period of distance learning schools, especially in the provinces, faced with the impossibility of development of educational material due to the lack of many basic home computer equipment.
it is Not clear what our officials decided that the equal Russian citizens from 16 to 18 years do not need to be gadgets, not eat, not dress up, not go to tutoring to prepare for the exam. And even the intervention of the Mother of all Russia of the Commissioner for children’s rights Anna Kuznetsova, who asked to review the financial policy with respect to teenagers, did not help the situation.
high school Students (and deprived of compensation in the country is not so little – about two million) to feed themselves, period.
Left to figure out where.
– Well, my daughter, get a job, the President said it was time, he woke up in the morning Pauline, I handed an iPad with a free classified ads website. To look to ring jobs.
the First place asked Pauline, was firm, seeking touts on the street. “From 16 to 40 years male promoters, from 16 to 45 women,” the basic condition of admission. The duties are the same in how to distribute near underground stations gift certificates for “conditionally free” Spa treatments and recordsyvat phone numbers wanting to go on them. “A month out from 30 thousand, had told the girl at the end of the tube. And it’s only on a percentage of the sales. At least five hours can earn 1100-1200 rubles.”
I immediately remembered how usually shy away from young people, grabbing me by the arm and almost forcibly pigiausia brochures for rejuvenation. The beauty, as you know, the invite seems to be on gratuitous procedures, and then sell to credulous ladies thousands of loans for the purchase of suitcases with makeup.
first, we cons in karma is not necessary. Secondly, gone are the days when women believed in free cheese in a mousetrap.
the Following vacancy for the youth to invite people for a walk along the Moscow river. “Active, mobile, knowledge of foreign languages is welcome. Bonus – customized work schedule, payment at the end of each day to five thousand”, – it is hard to believe that people just departed from the isolation, rush to ride teplohodike. And foreign tourists who love this kind of entertainment, now the capital is not observed.
Another work for students is to become… as an assistant Manager. Here, according to the announcement no talents is not necessary, but to be “operational, communicative, willing to learn and improve”.
But the salary threshold at such a strange proposal is not at all. So, just in case, I Pauline to the interview were not released.
In General, after about an hour of calls and emails summary, it became clear that skills daughter, whom because of their age is not so much to make nowhere. For more or less real – the waiters in the newly opened café, salesmen, pizza guys, ready to take only Mature citizens and not bother with strict observance of the Labour code of the minor.
“But we have to Chekhov, the most beautiful janitors,” proud of Julia Lesnova, mother of many children. She has six adopted and four blood of children.
16-year-old daughter Zhenya is collaborating with the fashion House Zaitseva. And this summer will be to work as a janitor at 0.4 rate.
“We were at the youth center we have in town, very kindly greeted, given a direction on physical examination, the tests, the psychiatrist and the psychiatrist. We didn’t even know it was that serious, how many professionals need to go through to get the job done. The salary promised in 8 thousand roubles, – tells mother Julia, In principle, we are satisfied. In August said that it will be able to employ another daughter, Tamara, she’s a little younger”.
“I Know that in our College every summer take, like ten underage students for a month too, janitors and laborers, – says another wearer of the social network of Natalia. – Required to clean up after builders repairers. Like, promise to pay the minimum wage, and the employment center each 1.5 thousand assistance mission. But to employ a dozen people, it is certainly a drop in the ocean – after all, the College is studying 1,200 students”.
“to be honest, we are very offended by the fact that our children work, do not need anyone except us. And it’s not in the 10 thousands, but in the attitude – outraged Muscovite Ekaterina, mother of 17-year-old Arseny. Because exactly a year later, the government suddenly remember that my child needs to go to the army and to give back to the Motherland, who don’t owe him anything”.
Learning is work. That is a good education determines future life and career.
opponents of the state financial support for 16-18 year old remember with affection the times when they themselves (so at least tell) unloaded cars at night and washed the floors in the toilets of restaurants…
But in a country where during the last months of isolation lost my job about 10-15 %, where hidden unemployment rose by about a third and the average salary of an adult is only 20-25 thousand rubles, it is difficult to find a place where the wait and pay.
“But if officials believe that we are already unable to provide for themselves, then let the alcohol sold in stores and will be allowed to vote, and where we are adults, and where there is not very much, is unfair,” snorted my daughter.
by the Way, in the preparation of this article Pauline still earned his first pay. However, her employer in this particular case I made.