Knowing The levels of air pollution in Europe and in China, it is highly afgenomendankzij of the measures to be taken against the spread of the corona virus. Especially around towns and cities, where a moment of force, there is a large difference in the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide, as well as the light. It was, in a few years, not so dark and the (Chinese) cities.

the satellite images are not only impressive, but they often have a practical use. Thus, for example, what a moment you have to do with the air – to-air and no light pollution. On the basis of the light pollution, it is also easy to see that a moment you have been more than fulfilled.

A research team at the American space agency, NASA, is considered to be a few of the images taken at night were made. If they wanted to, patterns of energy use, transport, migration, and economic movements in the future. The theme? In Wuhan, the Chinese city where the new corona virus, SARS-CoV-2, for the first time it is started.

The satellite images, which, in January, for the moment, on the 23rd of January, were made to stand in stark contrast to the images of the end of February. In the first picture, explained all of the highways, from the bright circle in Wuhan, so we were on it. This means that the transportation to and from the other cities and towns are still in motion. In the second picture in February, when the full moment you silver and gold, the links, however, are weakened, or even disappeared altogether. Also, a more detailed picture (see above), commercial, Jianghan District, shows a lock range of an otherwise very busy – roads do go out. Your cookie settings to make sure that the content is not displayed.

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in Europe, the positive effects of the lockdowns already been found. The measured amount of nitrogen was in Milan for the last four weeks of the quarter are lower than they were one year ago in Rome, and decreased the amount of up to 35 percent of the time. In the hard-hit City was the last week and a 47 per cent reduction in nitrous oxide emissions.