now, Students have a maximum of four hours per day working on the tasks for the school. That’s the new directive from the Education minister, Ben Weyts (N-VA), for the period after the easter holidays. From then on, it will give the teachers the new curriculum is, but, Weyts want borders to draw. Also, for the parents, because they have to invest in the best, a maximum of two hours per week under the supervision of the study.

Since there is a good chance that the schools will not re-open after the easter holidays, minister Ben Weyts, new guidance was developed in co-operation with a group of teachers. After the holidays, the school must bring in new material, but it is not the intention that they will go to extremes. For that reason, there are now clear guidelines. “The education is free, but I’m hoping that the schools here are somewhat uniform, take care” said Weyts.

basically, Weyts, that children have a maximum of four hours per day working on their school tasks, to one-half of the time during a normal school day. “Online, self-directed learning has been more intense than it was taught in the classroom,” said Weyts. “We, therefore, have clear boundaries.”

According to mom and dad.

Curiously, too, for the parents, he leaves that level. For the last time, a lot of the criticism has come from the thuiswerkende parents because they are at the same time, a lot of work to be with their children to assist with their school work. This commitment would, according to Weyts should be limited to 2 hours per week.

“Some of the parents with the best of intentions, many, many hours, in addition to their child, but educators warn that it’s the wrong effect,” said Weyts. “Children should have the confidence to be independent, to do the job. Otherwise, they have to rely on mom or dad and they’ll be ready to go back to school.”

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Previously, the Weyts know that after the easter holidays, will be selected for the “preteaching”, which is the subject matter of two times is provided to the students. For the first time, via distance learning, and the second time when school will resume. “This is a necessary step to take, because I am concerned about the quality of education. This may be leerweken be,” said Weyts. “I’m afraid that students are going to drop out, as they are after the easter holidays, but the old curriculum is presented. This preteaching to prepare us for the re-opening of the schools.”

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