To get: 683 europarlementairen. At one of them. Abstentions and four, of which three are of N-VA members. This is the result of the vote to pull out of the 37 billion euros of state aid in the fight against corona. The reason why the N-VA is not up for vote? To protest the fact that Flanders is out of that pot, about 6 million euros and the walloon region for 25 million euro. “We are being incredibly discriminated against,” says the Mep Johan Van Overtveldt (N-VA).

“almost complete unanimity in the European Parliament on the measures taken in the struggle against Covid19,” he writes ” Look, Cindy Franssen (CD&V). “Hard to believe that the N-VA is only (!!!) group to remember about the much-needed measures for health care workers, and small and medium enterprises.”

For each of the three measures, which voorlagen, has supported the N-VA, there are two, but for the cohesion fund and from the members of the party. Spicy detail is that even the Vlaams belang voted for it. In the cohesion fund about 37 billion euros of European money. The money that it needs to come out, but they found them on an FA that it needs to be shared.


“the cohesion fund is to provide funding for less favoured regions and to support,” says international representative Assita Kanko (N-VA). “And now they want that money to be used in the fight against the corona, but do they have the same distribution key. The consequences speak for themselves. Of the 37 million that will go to Belgium, it flows, it keeps Flanders, there are only 6.5 million of them all over. In wallonia, around 25 million euros. The disease strikes, however, in Flanders, much more than in Wallonia.”

The withdrawal, you must, above all, to see it as a sign that you can’t say the N-VA. “We want to be, that money can’t hold back,” says Kanko’s partijgenoot Johan Van Overtveldt. “Stronger, even, for me as the chair of the commission’s Budget is committed to spending more money, if we can find it. But what we have now is far too small.”

It is quick and easy with a formula. “There are about six million Flemish people. Complete with 1 per cent, of all the peoples of europe. So, we should be entitled to make, at 1 per cent, of which 37 billion, or about 370 million euros. Yet, as Europe, the richer regions receive less than poorer regions. I think that’s normal. So, let’s half that to take, up to 185 million euros. That is, it is still a deal more than the 6.5, which is given to us. Apparently, ms. Franssen is it ok for you that we are in such an incredible way, to be discriminated against.”

Later receive in Flanders, however, more and more”.

But, Franssen likes guns. “The goal should be to get the funds as quickly as possible to the patients and to the affected employees and the companies could get a sound like that. “Well, you don’t have months and months to negotiate a new key for it, decided the funds. Now, in the most severely affected member states, such as Spain and Italy, and most of all.”

She points out that it is in fact the federal government is that the majority of the costs to bear them. And that, with as many as four million euros less than in Flanders to get it. And timely for them, and this is just one of the many projects and initiatives. “Elsewhere, is given in Flanders, however, is more than a Cooperation.”

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