The small nation living on the territory of Russia, was chamalla. In 2010 there were only 24 people reported in the census mediaofis.
In 2021 this nation will be recalculated again during the national population census.
In Dagestan and Chechnya was 24 people who consider themselves camalleri (or camalina — approx. “VM”), which belong to the Andean peoples of the Caucasus and sub-ethnic groups of the Avars. But in the nineteenth century there were not less than 3889 people compactly residing in nine villages, — reports RIA Novosti.
Rare peoples live in different parts of Russia. So, for example, 1380 Veps is situated on the territory of the Leningrad region. In addition, in Russia there are Nanai, Negidal, Nivkh, and other peoples.