reportedly, Maksim Reshetnikov, after complaints from business that Russian banks reject the majority of applications for salary loans at 0%, which representatives of small and micro business can take in terms of the spread of coronavirus, decided to personally check how things are going with their results. In one of the banks, writes the Minister in his Instagram, he announced that the government resolution on the launch of the program has not yet been signed, the other promised to give loan in may.
As reported earlier, the Government and the Bank of Russia on the background of the situation with coronavirus launched the results of payroll loans for small and micro business. Under the terms of the state program of the company on 1 October can take credit for up to 12 months: the first six months, the loan rate will be 0%, and then will increase to 4%.
“Our monitoring shows that of the loans go slowly. From 3,5 thousand cases for a total amount of 24 billion rubles – approved about 1.5 billion. And issued really only 400 million rubles,” – wrote Maxim Reshetnikov. He noted that “the stabilization of the economy largely depends on how government decisions are implemented in the real sector”.
the President announced the new system measures of support of business. The program is now “zero” credit on wages is available not only to micro and small enterprises and medium and large. While it officially joined five banks are preparing to sign 25 agreements. Our monitoring shows that of the loans go slowly. Of the 3.5 million hits for a total amount of 24 billion rubles – approved about 1.5 billion And issued really only 400 million rubles Entrepreneurs complain about the failures and limitations when considering their applications. Decided to check it out personally. Called in the two largest banks. In one of the “hot line” has told that the government allegedly has not yet signed the decree. Another promised to give credit, but… in may. Drew this to the attention of the banks. Now, the stabilization of the economy largely depends on how taken by the Government @government_rf decisions are implemented in the real sector of the economy. #coronavairus #of economicbusiness