the Official list of the symptoms of coronavirus “nedostatochno” and requires add-ons, according to British experts. Physicians require to include loss of appetite, excessive fatigue and skin rash.

One of the leading experts in the field of primary diagnosis in the UK Nick Summerton insists that approved by the authorities the list of symptoms COVID-19 has made significant changes. In his opinion, only in this case, doctors will be able to deal with the unpredictability of a dangerous disease.

it is Noteworthy that Summerton informed personally acted as adviser to the government in the preparation of this document at the beginning of the crisis caused by a new infection. Now, however, the physician is sure that the current version of list does not reflect the high variability of coronavirus and how it differently affects patients.

On the official website of the National health service UK (NHS) lists only two symptoms – high temperature and a dry continuous cough. Only in the presence of these two readings recommend citizens to call 111 online service assistance coronavirus.

In turn, the world health organization lists more than a dozen symptoms, according to the Centers for control and prevention of diseases (CDC) of their nine (in both cases, muscle pain, loss of taste and smell, headaches appear as a typical sign of infection of SARS-CoV-2).

Nick Summerton believes that shortness of breath, loss of appetite, taste and smell should also be added to the list of the British National health service.

the Doctor said about the need for research to identify the most common symptoms of the virus and the establishment by the UK government reference group that included experts in public health. Their job is to be in constant analysis of symptoms of patients suffering from a new ailment.

“We should consider a broader group of symptoms and record what their combinations observed in our patients, told Summerton edition of the Sunday Times. – Time is not on our side, so we have to do it right. If we do not, we will never be able to cope with the epidemic… You should know who you are fighting”.

the Expert stressed that he had repeatedly discussed the importance of this issue with government officials, but his concerns went unheeded. That’s why he said that the UK will not be able to curb the epidemic, yet will continue to ignore the existence of symptoms that were previously regarded as unusual for a coronavirus infection.

Earlier, experts from king’s College London collected data on more than 1.5 milliano of Britons who have downloaded the app Covid Symptom Tracker. About 59% of users diagnosed with the coronavirus, reported loss of taste and smell.

Officials of the health sector of the United States have already made changes to the list of the main symptoms of the virus after pressure from the doctors. According to the data obtained in the study data, the main symptoms in adults hospitalized Americans were in 61% of cases muscle pain, and 58% head. And in children with severe forms of the disease, the disease is accompanied by neurological problems, including confusion, seizures and even a stroke.

the who also warns that every fifth patient experiences difficulty in breathing is another symptom that the British national health service are not recorded in your short list. In addition, the signs of infection were named as skin rash or discoloration of the fingers and toes.

Spanish dermatologists, meanwhile, reported on about five different skin diseases, which, in their opinion, are associated with the virus, including the appearance of small blisters on the trunk and nettle rash. They studied 375 patients with suspected or confirmed coronavirus easy COVID-19, finding that half of them were rash.

Cutaneous manifestations, potentially caused by a virus, were seen in every fifth patient in hospitals in Italy. Experts warn that such a symptom is most common in children and adolescents.

earlier, who was doing the most common symptoms of coronavirus, which include fever, dry cough, fatigue.

For less common symptoms organization related pain and body aches, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, loss of taste and smell, skin rashes or discoloration of fingers or toes.

Serious symptoms was called difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain or pressure, loss of speech or impaired coordination.