In 1998, two animated films bringing ants to life appeared in theaters: Disney’s A Bug’s Life and DreamWorks’ Antz. As a child at the time, we remember that these stories about insects had sparked a great interest in these infinitely small, but so impressive, beings. The legend of the butterfly could have the same effect on a new generation.

By following the story of Patrick (Antoine Desrochers), the monarch with a small wing, and his friends Martin (Sophie Cadieux), the caterpillar unable to grow, and Geneviève (Catherine Brunet), the butterfly who fears heights, we discover a wealth of information on this local species and its fascinating migration to Mexico. The feature film directed by Sophie Roy also opens your eyes to the environmental issues linked to this insect, such as the loss of its habitat, without however adopting an overly didactic or moralizing tone.

In fact, even if we come away from the viewing with some new knowledge, The Legend of the Butterfly is first and foremost an adventure film punctuated with funny moments, courtesy of the characters of Martin, the unfiltered caterpillar who is a bit naive and clumsy. , and Tar (Rodley Pitt), one of the birds threatening the flock of monarchs, who gets the funniest lines.

There are also very touching moments in The Legend of the Butterfly, as the three protagonists demonstrate courage, overcome their fears and surpass themselves to reach Mexico. When, for example, Geneviève expresses her pride in having overcome her phobia of heights, we cannot help but smile with her.

Written by Heidi Foss and Lienne Sawatsky, the screenplay, however, has few surprises. By listening to the trailer or reading the (too!) detailed description of the synopsis on cinema sites, you can easily imagine the whole story without being mistaken, unfortunately.

What is a pleasant surprise, however, is the film’s soundtrack, which includes original pieces sung by local artists. Coeur de pirate, Patrice Michaud, Claudia Bouvette and La Zarra all offer catchy pop tracks, perfect to accompany a long migratory journey.