those Who fail to comply with the coronaregels love, was, until recently, only through the proceedings result in a penalty. Coming next week to change that. The National Security council has approved a proposal that from now through the immediate collection, and the GAS-fines are a nuisance to deal with.

It was in the past few days, been a thorn in the side of local authorities and police forces: if you lockdownregels that time, it could only be by a report to be subject to penalties. Was it the local law enforcement caution for that matter, to write to the legal mill, is not too much on the subject. In practice, went to the minors in that way is invariably free.

It has inspired the N-VA chairman and Antwerp mayor Bart De Wever Friday morning, once again, to make a case for a GAS-fines, to be able to spell. “With the introduction of the GAS, the maintenance of the samenscholingsverbod is urgently needed,” she said. “All the local police forces have been asking for. The only GAS we can easily enforceable penalties set up for those who break the rules. That is, we may not only be justice to do the work.”

The Truth, and all of the other mayors will now be at their beck and call, because of the National Security council, to put the go-ahead for two of the alternative forms of punishment. The first is an administrative sanction , in accordance with the system of GAS is fine. It is not at all the same thing: the handling is also done administratively, but it is only with the benefit of an agency and, therefore, is not just a government to avoid such sanctions are to be issued. In this system, the agents will have the ability to give you will also be able to minors, and to punish them.

another way to punish them, it is a system of instantaneous collection , in which agents establish the offender’s right to ask you to pay for it. For traffic violations, is that the system has now been applied and this will be so even for those who, for example, a samenscholingsverbod to the service.

“There is a royal decree ready, that in the system,” he says, ” is the at the office of the secretary of the Interior, by Pieter De Crem (CD&V). As soon as the MB’s administrative merry-go-round going through to have his punishment in that way. The government expects that, in the course of the next week, this is the case.

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