April 14, opened new hospital, which will treat patients with coronavirus infection. This was redeveloped building № 6 of the city clinical hospital named after S. I. Spasokukotskogo. Seven stories adapted for new tasks — conducted repairs and alterations to premises, including the technical, which increased the number of beds. In the wards intensive care unit provided the oxygen supply to the beds — this will allow us to provide assistance to patients with pulmonary insufficiency.
Chief physician of the clinical hospital named after S. I. Spasokukotskogo Alexey Pogonin noted that as a result of the conversion succeeded.
He stressed that the doctors. This will not allow the infection to spread and protect staff from infection.
All the doctors have undergone additional training. Knowledge shared with them the specialists of the leading departments of the Moscow state medico-stomatological University medical simulation center, Botkin hospital. In addition, the support of the staff of the Department of health.
the Entire staff of the hospital will receive. Doctors eligible for additional 70 thousand rubles per month, workers nurses — 50 thousand. Allowance for nurses and other staff will be 30 thousand rubles.
Alex Paganin as well, which help doctors to combat coronavirus infection: “I Want to say a huge thank you to those people who come to us with offers of assistance. These people exist, and they help us. A huge thanks to them for what they do.”
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the Hospital is equipped with high quality equipment, including diagnostic. Modern will allow for precision diagnosis of lung for suspected coronavirus infection. For the treatment of severe patients established devices of artificial ventilation of lungs (IVL).
Doctors and patients available antiviral and antibacterial drugs, disinfectants and antiseptics, personal protective equipment.
in addition, in the hospital. This is done to newly arrived patients did not overlap with those already issued.
“we Have provided the area where patients enter the hospital, the emergency Department. Also organized a separate area of discharge, where the healthy patients will come, get your things and go home, or we will deliver them to ambulances”, — said the head physician of hospital of a name of S. I. Spasokukotskogo.
In each ward there is a bathroom with a toilet, shower and sink. To communicate with loved ones in hospital there is high speed Wi-Fi. For patients arranged individually thermo.
the family will be able to tell patients things. You can do daily from 15:00 to 20:00 on weekdays and from 11:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 20:00 on weekends and holidays.
Hospital for treatment COVID-19 255 beds opened on the basis of private kliniku Moscow from coronavirus infection was cured more than a thousand people
Cases of coronavirus in the capital. Among them — the hospital project, hospital for infectious diseases No. 1 and No. 2 hospital in Shabolovka, children’s clinical hospital named after Z. Vashlaevoj, research Institute of emergency care named after N. In. Sklifosofskiy.
In the settlement Voronovo is constructed, each of which can be converted into intensive care. The hospital is built of pre-fabricated structures, however, it will not be temporary, and the service life of buildings last for decades.
In Moscow hotline, by calling on which you can learn about the prevention of coronavirus and the ways to combat this disease. Telephone number:.
Doctors on communication: how telemedicine helps in the fight against coronavirus
All official information about COVID-19 — special projects in mos.ru.