The interior Minister of Belarus Yury Karaeu instructed the security forces “do not touch” journalists to disperse protesters, except in those cases where media workers become between security forces and participants of mass actions. This was reported in Telegram-channel press-service of the Ministry.”My principled position is that journalists do not touch! Except in cases where they stand between the offenders and police,” said Mr. Garayev. It is noted that “the vast majority of cases,” journalists detained during mass rallies, released without drawing up an administrative report. “We understand that these people also engage in their professional activities”,— stated in the message. The work of the accredited representatives of Belarusian and foreign media during mass protests take personal control of the head of the interior Ministry of Belarus.In Belarus does not stop mass protests against the results of presidential elections on 9 August. Detained more than 6 thousand people, including journalists covering the events. Earlier, the Ambassador of Russia in Minsk Dmitry Mezentsev announced the release of photographer MIA “Today Russia” Ilya Pitalev and journalists Nikita Telizhenko. Was also released the correspondent of the edition “jellyfish” Maxim Solopov, the by the war correspondent and the author of the project WarGonzo Semyon Pegov, its operator Vlad Snacks, as well as journalists of the Daily Storm Anton Starkov and Dmitry Lisenko. Some of the journalists there was no communication for almost two days about their whereabouts and condition were unknown.On 10 August the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov has declared that took under personal control the situation with reporters. According to the representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, the Russian Embassy in Minsk is engaged in each specific case of arrest.Read more about the situation in Belarus — in the material “Kommersant” “Alexander Lukashenko protects their future.”