Reindeer husbandry is in a very difficult situation. It is therefore essential that it now be added to facilitate the purchasing of feed, and that this brought into as soon as possible, ” says minister of agriculture and mr. Olaug Bollestad (KrF) and continues:
the Government has previously estimated that as many as over 160.000 reindeer can die on the basis of beitekrisen.
the Crisis has occurred after that the Troms and Finnmark, Nordland and parts of the Trøndelag closest has been snowing down. Heavy snowfalls combined with rain and frequent temperaturskifte is the problem.
The recent reports from the reindriftsmyndighetene implies that the crisis could continue until late april/may.
MUST be FEEDING the REINDEER: Reineiere have huge surcharges because of the unusual snow conditions.
Photo: ministry of Agriculture and food are Working around the clock
From before has there been seen in the ability of the Armed forces can be inserted to assist in the crisis. This, there has not been any final decision on.
The “temporary” solution for the crisis was to put into the Red Cross. They will help to run several thousand pounds of feed up to starving reindeer on the Finnmarksvidda plateau.
NRK has earlier told about the reindriftsutøvere that has been over two months away from his family. They work almost around the clock to prevent the reindeer from to die.
the Situation also leads to lots of extra work with feeding and shipping of feed. Therefore, I have almost not seen my family in the course of the last two months, “explains reindriftsutøver Piera’ Ailo Sara.
WAITING for HELP: Reineier Piera ‘ Ailo Sara.
Photo: NRK
I understand well that this is a difficult time for reineierne, both physically and mentally. If it is not put into action, will a large number of animals could die of starvation, says Bollestad.
40 million total to cope with the crisis
Reindriftsavtalen have allocated ten million because of beitekrisen. This krisepakken was adopted during the winter negotiations between the Norwegian Reindriftsamers Association (NRL) and the ministry. The fund had from before 2.7 million.
Reinbeitedistriktene has also deposited funds in the last few years. These funds have been at around seven million. This means that krisepakken have been around 20 million.
If the proposal of the government is passed by Parliament, it means that reindriftsutøvere in the crisis now has around 40 million at its disposal.
– the Reindeer herders is very central for the sámi population, and I am glad that the government comes with new measures in this demanding situation, ” says the district and digitaliseringsminister Linda Hofstad Helleland (H).