The federal government has taken the first of a three-volmachtsbesluiten of the deputy prime minister and minister of Justice Koen Geens (CD&V) will be discussed. The decisions are intended to ensure the continuity of the administration of justice, and to ensure they are to ensure, inter alia, for an extension of the limitation periods for criminal cases within a few weeks.
In the context of the coronacrisis was that the federal government has specific powers, granted to her to allow for short, on top of the ball to play with. In the area of justice, the first three of these decisions are done, let the minister’s Need Sunday’s to know. The decision-makers for the time being the completion date of 19 april as a starting point, but that date could be pushed as it ought to be decided by the coronamaatregelen still have more to go through.
Extension to these time limits.
The volmachtsbesluiten keep up with the renewal of the whole range of civil and administrative procedural time limits vary with the length of the coronacrisis, and the opportunity to have the matter in written or electronic form, to deal with. In criminal cases, among other things, the limitation period shall be extended by the period of crisis.
in addition, it is possible to defer is made before the annual general meetings of companies and associations. It also allows for the possibility that the meetings are planned to continue, but in an electronic or written form. All of the decisions, ” says minister of Man, to “protect the health of the population, because of the unnecessary physical closeness is to be avoided”.
Meetings of the co-owners, be postponed.
the third volmachtsbesluit finally, the meetings of the co-owners, which, under normal circumstances, before the 19th of april, to be held in may will be postponed for up to 5 months after the great depression.
the Minister’s Man says that he is there to ensure that even in the judiciary itself, all of the work is to be made, deadlines to be extended or, as far as possible through video-conferencing, and written procedures. “There is sufficient and safe and secure the licenses for the facility.”
the Need to repeat that strafuitvoeringsmaatregelen, which would ensure that the inmates of the corona virus in the prison, jail entry, are to be avoided. This allows inmates who have a prison leave of absence have been well spent, and subject to certain terms and conditions of an extension of leave to get it. Uitgaansvergunningen, leaves, and limited detentions, that is, in normal circumstances, to ensure that detainees ‘ time in the jail on the outside, and re-enter the suspension is in effect.
More about this Daring Man’s Position is deep into the night without agreement on emergency government, after a discussion on we are against such, and the timing, “This do you really like it”, Eight children were rescued from traffickers. A day later, the Belgium of them is already lost, for How long, the CD&V? Hilde Crevits hold the door for the N-VA, open, the group Need stores which are starting to prefer to be close to The preferred plan and is the nightmare scenario: everyone is watching (CD&V), and these options are on the table