The free time That a lot of people in the huidigelockdownlight the poetsmicrobe, to them, is a gross understatement. On Instagram, you saw in the last couple of days, the one uitgemeste slot, one after the other to pass. Now that all the chores in the house and slowly checked off the list are likely to be hit, and the sun is still the best way to show it is time for the focus to move to the outside of the house. You need to come in to brush up against the corona virus? And how do you go about this cleaning service is the best?
you Must be out of an extra brushing up against the feline corona virus?
“We know that the corona virus is spread through coughing and niesdruppels. They can be transported by the wind, but it remains to be seen how far,” says microbiologist Paul De Vos, university of ghent (UGent). The risk is that you will be infected by a virus on to your car window, patio or door arrives, it is so very, very small.
a Person who is infected, it may be the corona virus, however, can easily be transferred to a variety of surfaces. Researchers have found that the virus for several hours up to three days, and can survive on materials such as glass, plastic, and steel. It’s not a bad idea for items such as your mailbox, doorbell, and door handles regularly to have an extra stop to give up.
small surfaces to disinfect them you can use a product containing 70% alcohol. For large areas, it is a bleekwateroplossing of the 1% is easier.
Paul Fox
“is To small and the surfaces to disinfect them you can use a product containing 70% alcohol. For large areas, it is a bleekwateroplossing of 1% will be much easier. That is, 10 ml of water for every litre of water. A higher dose will not be more efficient, but more damaging to the environment. Therefore, it is important to not to deviate from them”, said The Fox. “I also do not get paranoid. It certainly doesn’t need to be those things every day and disinfect it. If there is no evidence for the contamination of the corona virus, it will be enough, even just soap and water to use.
“in Addition to our preparation for the corona virus, it continues to be important for us to realiserendat animals may be the cause of a lot of diseases and infections,” says the biologist says. “If you have pets, that’s why it is very important to pay attention to good hygiene practices. More than manure altijdzo fast mogelijkworden, at least for the next two days. Also, food dieonafgedektblijven of the animals voederenof because they are destined for the trash bin, its a true lift for the bacteria, fungi, and other micro-organisms. That may, in turn, due to, for example, the insects can be spread, and a fresh food environment. If you want to clean it, keep it it in mind.”
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