the first three exam-2020 showed that the average score of exams despite fears to the contrary, for the most part have not fallen, but increased. In Rosobrnadzor explain this phenomenon by classifying the weakest children — those who need a high school diploma, not to enroll in College. However, the main intrigue lies elsewhere. This idea has captured the minds of that the authorities thought: instead of whether to leave and continue the exam only for those wishing to pursue higher education?

the Main wave of the exam has reached its “equator”, which allowed to bring the first results the most outstanding campaign of all time. For example, complained this year mainly on two things: the requirement of wearing masks by participants of the exams (this rule is introduced only two regions) and for the terrible heat in the examination classrooms. It is particularly plagued citizens of this heat:

– on the first day of examination in this regard was received just 29 complaints – said the Rosobrnadzor. – And some children because of poor health was unable to complete the exam and after the examination doctors that test for them was postponed to June 24-25, or on the second wave, which will be held from 3 to 8 August.

However, in General, said “MK” acting head of Department, Anzor Muzaev, “a sharp rise in the number of children who underwent health examination in reserve days were observed. The peak of the heat fell on 6 and 7 July, and just three first exams are unable to finish their work 640 people, which by and large is not out of the annual number of similar cases. Kovid was detected only in four children from different regions. They were not admitted to examinations, and, as well as all who contact, are transferred to quarantine. Exams they will take in reserve days.”

the Second feature of the campaign is not a decline in average exam scores, as many had feared, and their growth, and, moreover, noticeable. However, while the processed results of only three subjects. But the trend is already noticeable. So, in geography, the average score compared with last year rose 2.9 points; the share of vysokoballnikov (from 81 to 100 points) increased by 4.3% and part of the children, not overcome the minimum threshold of points required for admission to the University has decreased by 1.16%. The same pattern in the literature: the growth of average score of 2.9 points of share vysokoballnikov 4.6% and a reduction of the share of “unsatisfactory” on 1,53%. Only the results in science were broadly the same as last year, which is probably connected with the increased mass of this object.

Rose, according to the Federal Institute of pedagogical measurements and the proportion of participants in the exams, actually got for the exam “excellent” (i.e. from 60 to 100 points): in geography they were more than 50%, computer science — 55%, and the literature and does more than 60%.

But failures in the examinations became less. For all the time before the exam in isttheory and physics have been removed 367 participants in the exams. Including 188 for the use of means of communication, 139 — Cribs, and 40 for other types of violations (for example, one of the graduates was expelled from the exam for trying to take pictures of the exam papers and the other for the substitution of the member of the exam).

it is Noteworthy that, as the increase in assessments and reduction in the number of violations, according to rosobrnadzora, is one and the same factor. This year in connection with the automatic distribution of certificates of secondary education examinations appeared the most problematic in both respects the part of the graduates — the boys with a weak knowledge, not applying for admission to the University and who dreams only to finish school. And this not only made “all weather”, but and created a sensation:

– the Refusal to participate in the exam this year, about 71 thousand graduates, most of whom, apparently, decided to go into secondary education, has become a significant factor – said Musayev, In the end, currently, the experts are seriously discussing the breeding procedures for obtaining certificates of secondary education and admission to the University. I think that by the end of the exam it will be the main topic of discussion!

Recall that when the exam is only administered, many experts insisted on this model of the unified state examinations. Then not listen to them. Maybe it will happen now?