The coronacrisis will be in the next few years, with a significant impact on our wallets. According to Peter, The Forest, the chief economist of ING Belgium, higher taxes are almost inevitable and are very zestigers less pension you have to have. However, if you are a woninglening with a variable interest rate, taking advantage of the crisis.

This is a crisis that costs the government a lot of money. This means that in the next few years, savings have to be made?

Peter of The Forest: , I am afraid that this will happen. The budget deficit now stands at € 12 billion. Due to this crisis, that the lack of at least double, reaching 24 billion euros. That will, among other things, the government is now a variety of measures, such as temporary unemployment benefits for more than half a million people, and a sluitingspremie for the business.

Increases the rate of unemployment rising?

You should also consider that some of the companies, this crisis is not going to survive, and unemployment is rising. To be a part of it is that the deficit is compensated by a lower interest rate. The government, therefore, cheaper debt. And with the economy after the crisis on your own. But that’s not enough. If you are not a new-car purchase can be expected that they will continue to do it, but we’re going to be in the next few months, not twice as much as in a restaurant, because we now have a few weeks to not be able to do it. There is a loss in the long run.

what’s the way Belgian citizens coronacrisis be financially successful.

The federal government is unlikely to be different to be able to see the taxes continue to increase, even though taxes are already very high. They will also need to be made.

Why is this a crisis like Belgium, at the worst possible time.

now, As to the expenditure of an ageing population in the coming years, and continue to go up. In order to capture the retirement age is increased to 67 years of age, but there are a lot of exceptions, for example, for civil servants, because the government’s case for reform had been completed. There is also a need for more people to work in order to meet this crisis, to be able to pay for it. Especially in Wallonia and Brussels, there are a lot of people are without a job. As in Belgium, the same number of people as in some other European countries, there would be no budget deficit of.

have to Have some people to benefit from this crisis?

If a woninglening with a variable rate has the advantage right now. Because of this crisis, it will lower its interest rate. But the real estate will likely not be cheaper. From my own research it appears that the property price rises as interest rates fall. The interest rates on savings accounts will anyway, for many years, is very low.

The grants received. A lot of people to do with pension funds. The money from the pension funds, in part, in shares of is invested. To get less pension?

Since the crisis, the stock markets have already more than 30% of their value is lost. If you have a few years of retirement, there may be a disturbance. For those who are close to retirement, this is less and less time for damage to obtain. If there is a mitigating circumstance, as the stock markets in the last few years is very well-done.

does that also Apply to young people?

Young people who are on pensions, so, none of the crisis feel. There is even a benefit to you. A lot of people to save a fixed amount per month for their retirement. With that amount of money, you can now have more in stocks, because stocks are cheaper now.

will Come with the stock exchanges, this blow up?

now that The stock markets will be recovering, as investors particularly look to the future. Then, at the beginning of February in China, and fewer new infections had increased in the stock markets again. So it’s likely that European countries will have to increase as the number of new infections here in fall. We have not gone for a year, beursdalingen.

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