Head on infectious hospital, Krasnodar territory Alexey Konovalov interview “the Russian newspaper” said that for coronavirus infection of the new type is often presents unpleasant surprises.

According to the doctor, some people COVID-19 revealed suddenly, there was a situation when externally, the disease is almost not observed and the lungs were already affected.

“the Evil of this infection is that the patient’s condition may deteriorate at lightning speed,” shared his opinion Konovalov.

the Doctor recommended that after recovering the coronavirus patients undertake an annual seasonal prophylaxis of influenza, and doctors to strictly follow the requirements of the Ministry of health on the maintenance and treatment of patients with COVID-19.

the Doctor said that at present, in the fight against coronavirus infection, a new type of help developed in the period of a pandemic methods.

Konovalov said that the first time, in difficult situations, all hope was on artificial lung ventilation (ALV), however, now there is other techniques that allow you to get patients literally from the dead. He assured that he was a witness to several such “miraculous”cases.

Read the article: “Named percentage of survivors to victory over coronavirus”