People can get bubonic plague from each other only by personal contact. Gophers are the same, which are now blamed for spreading disease, may “make” contagion beyond their own range only in extreme cases. About it in conversation with journalists has told a leading researcher of the laboratory of experimental Virology of the fgbi “Scientific research Institute of epidemiology and Microbiology them. G. P. Somov” Galina Kompanets.

According to her, the natural foci of plague exist in the world. One of them is on the territory of Eurasia located in the North of China. There are also pockets in Inner Mongolia, Mongolia and the border areas. The plague there stand the gophers. They can become infected by contact or through the bites of fleas. Similarly ill can and people.

Kompanets noted that recently in Mongolia gopher skinned and therefore infected. There is no difference — dead or living animal, because bacteria can exist in the blood and the bacteria very long.

The plague, said the doctor, is a particularly dangerous infection to infect quite a few microbial cells. In further transfer of infection between people upon contact with patients.

By remark Kompanets, doctors serving patients, can contract it, but the neighbors in the ward — probably not.

the pathogen enters the blood through the wound on the skin and reach the lymph node is the first barrier to the pathogen. In the lymph node, it begins to multiply, the node becomes inflamed, it increases — this is the bubo. It’s so big that it is visible under the skin. Under good conditions bacteria should not pass on the infection is localized at this level. But if she gets further into the blood, into the lungs, it may develop the pulmonary form, and it is dangerous. It can be transmitted by airborne droplets — quoted researcher at the laboratory of RIA Novosti.

Kompanets said that the new cases are periodically fixed in different parts of the world — in China, South America, North America. Also you can become infected while hunting. Different animals can be dangerous. In Vladivostok, for example, before the plague carried rats. However, later in the town opened anti-plague station, after which for a long time is not recorded new cases of infection. In rare cases, plague can move tourists.

The virologist added that every natural focal infection, regardless of human activities.

Earlier in the city of Bayan Nur in the Chinese Autonomous region of Inner Mongolia announced third-level epidemiological threats due to discovered at cattleman’s bubonic plague. Local authorities have warned that there is the possibility of an epidemic and urged residents to abide by the restrictions until the end of the year. Week R��a few cases found in the neighboring Mongolia. Presumably, the people had contracted from the gophers. In two districts of the Mongolian province of Khovd in the West of the country closed the border because of several cases of bubonic plague. Measures are from 10:00 June 29 until further notice.

Wrote previously, the Beijing center for control and prevention of diseases and gave advice to the villagers after the appearance of a patient with bubonic plague in North China. Experts recommend during trips to the pasture to get close to wild animals and not to eat their meat. In addition, it is not recommended to stay overnight in the pastures.