it was recalled that the now unpackaged food products can be sold in clean containers to the consumer. However, it is very expensive to trade, the chief of Department of supervision on hygiene of a food Rospotrebnadzora across Moscow region Hope Rayev.

this requires a separate washing if we are talking about dairy or meat products. Need to provide a separate environment to store large jar, if it’s dairy products. In addition, if a store sells products in consumer packaging, he in fact takes on additional risks and the quality of the product, and the cleanliness of the vessels of the buyer, and for any underweight.

in Addition, now all products must be labelled on the product indicates the composition, date of production, etc. and to convey this information to the consumer, if products are packaged in consumer packaging, it is impossible.

meanwhile, the ban on its packaging, evoked a strong reaction from environmentalists. In particular, according to the Chairman of the Duma Committee on ecology and environmental protection Vladimir Burmatov, a ban on the refillable containers of the buyer will increase the amount of used plastic. And this is not in line with the priorities of state policy in the field of waste management and is contrary to the principles of “zero waste.”

and trade networks, as it turns out, are actively using reusable containers, accustoming buyers to responsible consumption.

for Example, in X5 told that the stores have randomity, where you can Deposit used plastic and aluminum containers for recycling. The network encourages the purchase ECOSOC reusable, reusable bags for weighing fruits and vegetables. Before the start of the pandemic, the company launched a pilot project for the sale in disposable containers buyers ready products from restaurants and cafeterias in “Crossroads”. But had it collapse after the release of the recommendations of the CPS for commercial enterprises to avoid the spread of coronavirus have to use the package.