The citizens suggested to get rid of Moscow the only way to win coronavirus

the government of Nizhny Novgorod region, 27 April-closed borders in the region. To enter, you can record in the passport or special pass. All arrivals are sent on a two-week quarantine. As of April 26 in Nizhny Novgorod region were confirmed 1367 cases of coronavirus, of them recovered only 109 people, and 8 died. “MK” has found out, as the locals refer to the methods of struggle of the regional authorities with the coronavirus.

According to the publisher “MK” in Nizhny Novgorod Ilya Udintsev, the people of the region generally support the government’s decision, but the margin of safety in humans is not unlimited: “a Significant portion of the residents of Nizhny Novgorod region scared of the possible epidemic of the coronavirus. However, stringent measures taken by the leadership of the region, help us to avoid a sharp rise of the disease. It was originally expected that infected will be 1.3 times larger than it is now. With regard to the closure of the city, the people divided into three groups: the first believe that the plague comes to us from Moscow, the second is that generally nothing happens, and others just don’t care. First a little, but they are very active in social networks. On the Internet there is a poll, “if you knew that you can donate to one city, and pandemic coronavirus stop, what city would you sacrifice and why is it Moscow?”. However, we must understand that Nizhny Novgorod is actually far suburbs. Very many residents to work in Moscow, and Muscovites working with us. For many self-isolation has led to separation with their families. For example, my friend remained in Moscow, and his family with us. My wife is in Moscow and I’m here. There are different expectations as to when you cancel a withdrawal. Some hope that in mid-may the situation will be back to normal. But generally most of my friends are entrepreneurs are counting on the middle of June. Thus the main challenge for business today is to find

the money to pay people wages. In particular, many refuse the planned holidays. If the regime will last until mid-July, many small and medium-sized businesses would not survive.”

Residents of the Nizhny Novgorod region who are engaged in business, Express different assessments of what is happening. For example, Olga Kaznina from Arzamas as a result of isolation were left without work and without prospects of finding it again, but measures against the coronavirus still maintains: “the railroad took the gift: me and another 200 people were dismissed from the station. Came to the labor exchange… And I need to be with disabilities 3 groups and four operations within 2 years, half of which was on the spine? Generally very much in isolation is not enough money even for food. Hence a lot of discontent. But my family all ��avno sits at home afraid of getting sick.”

the Majority of respondents “MK” residents of the region believe that the danger of coronavirus, first of all, comes from Moscow, so the closure of the borders they support and even believe that the government waited too long to act. This is what we said a resident of Nizhny Novgorod Irina Smolina: “the boundaries of region you need to close for anyone who is coming to us from Moscow and St. Petersburg. No matter, they have a local residence or not. Now for may holidays to go back to the village all of the staff who works on the watch, there are many. Khan and the residents of the village where half the population consists of the elderly. It is clear also that the quarantine upon arrival to observe, no one will, especially in the village.”

Nizhegorodets Ilya Sasonkin shared with the “MK” similar thoughts: “regarding the closure of the borders, have long had to do it, why should I suffer? If I don’t leave the area, even just a town and country near. If the government previously stirred, and already passed the peak would be a long time… I’m always in a mask on the street if I go out, but generally try to stay at home. The majority of walking without masks, each stall the crowd of drunks, even the police without masks more often. So, I’m sitting at home, although I was sick already, and they walk. I am sure that 90% of them never any passes not used. Because of such fools coronavirus never


According to a resident of Nizhny Novgorod Dmitry Kulagin, the oblast there are people who fanatically believe in the danger of coronavirus, comparing it with the new plague and so on, and this they falls into a Holy terror, and there are those who do not see in it any danger. “The authorities should form a middle ground. Not to fear paralyzed people, but also endanger the life of the elderly is also impossible. In addition, it should provide people with personal protective equipment, to organize their work remotely, and where this is not possible, it is necessary to create such conditions that the risk was minimized. – said “MK” Kulagin, – with regard to isolation, it is necessary as the closure of the borders of Nizhny Novgorod region. Each region needs to fight infection with the help of their capacity, but otherwise no health system can not cope.”