The detailed instructions received precinct election commissions (PECs) on the ground. They were ordered to provide the polling stations with means of individual protection, with antiseptic, put a marker on the floor to keep the distance of 1.5 – 2 meters, and place the entrances and exits to the premises so that the flow of people do not overlap.

members of the commissions have to work in masks, and change them should at least once in three hours. All procedures should be performed contactless. For example, a member of the PEC should not take up the documents of citizens, the ballot they have to take from the stack themselves.

voting Itself will be given masks, gloves and disposable grips. They are also recommended to be in the premises of area not more than 15 minutes. It is not allowed any contact and ingestion.

Great attention is paid to the recommendations of the uniform distribution of flows of people in the days of voting. The Commission will recommend to the citizens of the time and date for a visit to the site, but voting will be at any time from June 25 to July 1.

the polling station will be regularly aired and disinfected. During sanitization, the Chairman of the PEC is obliged in the presence of observers to ensure the safekeeping of electoral documentation.

a Separate procedure developed for mobile voting. PEC members will be required to use protective gowns, masks and gloves to disinfect all surfaces which they touch in the houses of citizens. And in any case not to enter inside the home. Every voter at home will receive an individual package of Bulletin, application form, mask, gloves, antiseptic and a disposable pen. Your document should show at a distance and to lower the mask so that members could identify it. Fill in the newsletter should be in the apartment. And the ballot box, the Commission preliminarily put at the front door.

Observers and journalists are also obliged to comply with security measures – wash hands, wear masks, keep a distance – whether it’s voting on the site or at home. The CEC and the CPS also advise them to bring their own writing materials and not to use other people’s.

Recall that a nationwide vote on the issue of approval of constitutional amendments scheduled for 1 July. Stations will open on 25 June – for the convenience and safety of citizens. In any of these days, you can vote at home, it is enough to appeal to the precinct Commission. Residents of Moscow and the Nizhniy Novgorod region from 25 to 30 June can vote remotely via the Internet. Applications are accepted on a single portal of public services and the website (for Muscovites) to 14.00 on 21 June. At the same time you can apply to vote at any station in the system “Mobile voter”.