French archaeologists during excavations in the town Willvote approximately 38 km from the centre of Paris found a well-preserved fortification, which was identified as a battery of the First world war.

a Brief report about the study appeared on the website of the National Institute for preventive archaeological research, France (Inrap). This finding is extremely rare for the suburbs of Paris.

the Place to search has been determined in 2018, the main phase of excavation took place in the summer of 2019, but now scientists have published the data of the study.

Archaeologists helped the archival map, dated March 1915. On the purple square marked with the battery 308, equipped with four guns and is located near the railroad.

this document has only recently been declassified. Excavations have allowed to find the remains of this battery, and it is quite well preserved. Guns themselves, the researchers found, but found a thoroughly equipped firing positions on which they were installed.

comparison of the data with the map data showed that was the battery 308. She was part of the defensive system of Paris, and located on its outer perimeter. The battery was placed on open countryside. According to archaeologists, it was not the most successful place – in the case of a large-scale battle, the gunners were doomed to destruction.

Probably the main task was to take the first hit and to contain the enemy advance. Behind the battery was excavated the remains of several fortifications. Excavations showed that it was located in this place from 1914 to 1916.

two Well preserved remains of trenches and communication lines. The battery consisted of an observation post and an ammunition dump. The guns were partially protected. Apparently, the battery was equipped with benches and wooden floors.