
The focus on noncitizen voting in Texas has been a hot topic among GOP leaders, despite data from the Heritage Foundation suggesting that voter fraud committed by U.S. citizens is more prevalent. The conservative think tank’s database, which dates back to 2005, highlights instances of fraudulent voting, including noncitizen voting and felon voting infractions.

Noncitizen Voting Instances in Texas
According to the Heritage Foundation’s database, there have been only three documented instances of noncitizens casting ballots in Texas since 2012. These cases include a Mexican citizen who used her cousin’s identity to vote in several elections, a Salvadoran man who falsified documents to obtain a passport and register to vote, and a Grand Prairie woman who was in the country legally but not a citizen and voted unauthorized. These cases make up a small fraction of the total voter fraud instances in the state.

More Pressing Voter Fraud Issue
Interestingly, the data from the Heritage Foundation also points to a more pressing issue of felons casting ballots in Texas. The analysis shows at least four times as many instances of felon voting compared to noncitizen voting. This raises questions about where the focus should be when it comes to ensuring election integrity.

Government Response and Efforts to Combat Voter Fraud
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has taken steps to address voter fraud in the state, boasting about recent laws aimed at bolstering election integrity. Senate Bill 1, signed in 2021, makes giving false statements while registering to vote a state jail felony, outlaws ballot harvesting, and requires random audits of elections. Additionally, SB 1113 allows the Secretary of State to withhold funds from counties that fail to remove noncitizens from their voter rolls. These measures are part of the state’s efforts to combat voter fraud and ensure fair elections.

Criticism and Response
While Texas Republicans have been vocal about the issue of noncitizen voting, critics argue that the focus on this specific issue may be misplaced. The American Immigration Council, a Washington-based think tank, points to data from the Heritage Foundation itself, showing that noncitizen voting is not a widespread problem. Instead, they suggest that better training for government workers to recognize immigration documents and follow procedures could address any rare cases that do occur.

Ongoing Voter Roll Maintenance
Voter roll maintenance is a routine occurrence in Texas, as in other states, with the Secretary of State regularly checking voter rolls against other databases to ensure eligibility. Any individuals found to be ineligible are removed from the voter roll. Despite this routine process, Texas Republicans continue to emphasize the issue of noncitizen voting, raising questions about the motivations behind keeping this issue at the forefront.

In conclusion, the data from the Heritage Foundation calls into question the focus on noncitizen voting as a significant issue in Texas. With only a few documented instances of noncitizens casting ballots compared to more prevalent cases of felon voting, the narrative around voter fraud in the state may need to be reevaluated. While efforts to combat voter fraud are important, it is crucial to ensure that resources are directed towards addressing the most pressing issues to maintain the integrity of the electoral process.