My Name is Ulrike, I’m a teacher. Since the school closures, I go to school every day, to apply emergency care for the logged-in students in these days and also in the Easter holidays. Together with the few colleagues that are still to come.

“We are working on the Easter holiday by”

colleagues who have to take care of their own children, and those that belong to the risk groups, are no longer able to support us. We remaining have had bad luck.

Exciting, but just no time?

Now save articles for later, in “the Pocket”

Whether there will be any Form of compensation for our use during the holidays, is still written in the stars, but this time only by the way. A Not-care for some children is currently mandatory, it reveals itself by itself.

a spin Hardly needs to be fulfilled requirements of the Ministry

Almost every day, new edicts or announcements from the Ministry of education in us. What we noticed, therefore, everything (besides the care of well-being!) to do, is useful, however, the question arises as to whether, the must be now.

We are to develop pedagogical approaches that promote school development. But also learning materials available for home tutored students.

FOCUS-Online-action #corona care: Germany helps!

The Corona-pandemic restricts the everyday life of the people in Germany. Especially for vulnerable groups such as seniors, everyday tasks are associated with a risk of infection. Therefore, now asked for solidarity! FOCUS Online has therefore launched the campaign “#corona care: Germany helps”. With you! All of the information you find here.

The materials must be designed so that the children can work on independently. To level the varies from class to class, from class to class. We need to take that into consideration and learning involve. All that can be expected of teachers.

Well, of course, digital lessons, we should too!

by the Way, we should exploit to the full but also all the possibilities of digital learning. No matter how the conditions at the schools. We must implement what we pretend to be. It is, therefore, a MUST and not a CAN.

The parents of our students, we have clearly communicated that it is learning opportunities. And that each family will decide what is in this exceptional situation is feasible, and what is not.

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The product

none of us will make after the holidays (should open the schools at all again), Stress, because a task was not completed. To be quite honest: What a strange way of looking at us teachers behind it, if parents fear the? It is clear that not learned at home and practiced can be, as in the lessons!

dear, parents, please trust us teachers!

Also, currently there are also other things that have nothing to do with school and Learning. So, I go for a as an elementary school teacher (and person!) thus, according to to. Conversely, a bit more confidence in our skills but it would be really nice.

to make the editing of learning materials are now “Home-Schooling”, I ventured. That would be so Readily implementable, would be my job superfluous. Thank God he is not! The experience of the self-appointed “Home-Schooler show”. I can only guess can take it.

Serenity for parents, teachers and children

In times like these would be to all of us, served with a little more Composure. Dear parents, let it go with the “Home-Schooling” but keep: Each and every one the way he or she can!

This article first appeared in Sars-CoV-2 in a simple language: This Video explains to children the Coronavirus FOCUS Online Sars-CoV-2 in a simple language: This Video children explain the Coronavirus