Tag: Zen

The Bank of Russia announced new measures to support citizens and companies

The Bank of Russia announced new measures to support citizens and companies

The Central Bank made a second and more ambitious anti-crisis package of measures. It allowed banks to 30 September not to create reserves in the restructuring of loans to individuals and significantly expanded the list of victims of the pandemic industries that can be applied concessional restructuring
The people of Ukraine broke from the territory of the EU home

The people of Ukraine broke from the territory of the EU home

Pandemic COVID-19 was a test for Ukraine's viability, it is significant which failed. The coronavirus is spreading through the country virtually unchecked
For all residents and guests of Moscow from March 30 imposed quarantine

For all residents and guests of Moscow from March 30 imposed quarantine

Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin on March 29 signed a decree that the capital is entered home quarantine for all. Citizens are forbidden to leave the place of residence, except for certain cases
Died great Russian writer Yuri Bondarev

Died great Russian writer Yuri Bondarev

We have yet to comprehend this loss. And not just for literature. From the last major veteran writer whose prose is, of course, largely...
The government, with the epidemic can limit drug prices

The government, with the epidemic can limit drug prices

"RG" publishes a law allowing the government to regulate prices for medical devices and drugs, not limited to the list of vital and essential. The Cabinet received the right to limit prices in the case of an epidemic, disaster or unwarranted price increases
The world says goodbye to the great Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki

The world says goodbye to the great Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki

On 87-m to year of life has died the Polish conductor and composer Krzysztof Penderecki. In his last interview "RG" the composer admitted: "I wanted to leave something behind. Something important. Music and your favourite Park in Luslawice"
What awaits in the transition to electronic work book

What awaits in the transition to electronic work book

Employers began to use the electronic employment record. Questions of their practical application from readers "RG" said the Deputy head of Rostrud Ivan Shklovets on the hotline, held in the editorial
That offers the Lenin library in terms of the quarantine

That offers the Lenin library in terms of the quarantine

To panic and to stop work because of the quarantine staff of the Lenin library did not intend. We'll tell you which online opportunities do they open for users
Russian universities invite students to virtual open days

Russian universities invite students to virtual open days

Pandemic coronavirus forced Russian universities to hold Days of open doors remotely. Describe which institutions, how and when will practice this format of meetings
Russia has offered Amnesty for disenfranchised drivers

Russia has offered Amnesty for disenfranchised drivers

Dmitry Guliyev from the Chamber of young legislators in the Federation Council proposed to declare in the framework of measures to combat the spread of coronavirus Amnesty to drivers who are deprived of rights. Details of the initiative in an interview with "RG"

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Duncanville Boys Basketball Wins 6A-D1 State Championship

SAN ANTONIO - It was a night of triumph and glory for the Duncanville Panthers as they clinched the 6A-Division 2 state championship title...

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