Tag: Zen

To work and to the country: answers to the most common questions about digital badges

To work and to the country: answers to the most common questions about digital...

From 15 April for a trip to Moscow and the Moscow region must have a digital pass. He needed and the man who travels by private car, and to those who use public transport. The answers to the main questions of readers of "RG" in our material
A day in Russia added 2774 cases COVID-19 in 51 regions

A day in Russia added 2774 cases COVID-19 in 51 regions

A day in Russia revealed 2774 cases of coronavirus infection in 51 regions. These data are reported by the operational headquarters for monitoring and control over the situation with coronavirus
50 years of space crash: how to save the crew of the ship "Apollo-13"

50 years of space crash: how to save the crew of the ship “Apollo-13”

Exactly 50 years ago in the mission control center United States received a report from astronaut John Swagart: "Houston, we have a problem". Thus began the mission to rescue the disaster of the ship "Apollo-13"
Online lessons for students were replaced by television

Online lessons for students were replaced by television

Younger students training on the Internet is given a difficult to a computer until they own bad. Therefore, in Nenets Autonomous Okrug decided to transplant them from laptops to TVs. TV tutorials are practicing in other regions
The UK has summed up the results of the three-week quarantine

The UK has summed up the results of the three-week quarantine

Three weeks have passed since the time when Boris Johnson has imposed a state of emergency. For non-Brits threatened with fines. Very soon, the penalties really have to pay - not pounds and thousands of deaths
Stanislav Pozdnyakov said about porting Games-2020 and working in isolation

Stanislav Pozdnyakov said about porting Games-2020 and working in isolation

The head of the Olympic Committee of Russia Stanislav Pozdnyakov responded to the questions, "RG" on the transfer of the Games in 2020, obtaining licenses athletes for performances in Tokyo and training of members of the national team for next year. He also spoke about working on the isolation
Academician Chereshnev: How to prepare the body to meet a virus

Academician Chereshnev: How to prepare the body to meet a virus

Scientist-immunologist Valery Chereshnev in an interview to "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" suggested, when Russia will end the epidemic COVID-19. And told how to support the immune system during a pandemic
The Americans sent the Syrian opposition strange "humanitarian aid"

The Americans sent the Syrian opposition strange “humanitarian aid”

Possible outbreak of coronavirus infection in the Eastern Bank of the Euphrates threatens to become a humanitarian catastrophe. And the presence there of overcrowded prisons for militants has further complicated the situation. Realizing the danger, the US sent the Syrian opposition unusual "humanitarian aid"
That will help the tourist industry not to fail the summer holiday season

That will help the tourist industry not to fail the summer holiday season

Will it be possible for the Russians to rest in the summer resorts and to travel, found out the correspondent "the Russian newspaper". The tourist industry today is not easy, zero profit, selling tours and tickets suspended
The Turkish President refused to accept the resignation of the interior Minister

The Turkish President refused to accept the resignation of the interior Minister

The interior Minister of Turkey was heavily criticized after the announcement of the introduction of a curfew. It has announced a two-day ban on leaving the house in order to combat coronavirus resulted in the fact that people EN masse went to even a shop to have time to buy

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Duncanville Boys Basketball Wins 6A-D1 State Championship

SAN ANTONIO - It was a night of triumph and glory for the Duncanville Panthers as they clinched the 6A-Division 2 state championship title...

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