Tag: Zen

In a virtual world for kids dangers almost more than offline. And when schoolchildren are on vacation now, and inevitably "crash" in the networks at times longer than before, it is extremely important for parents to know, "what are they doing"
The Russian authorities are going to help ordinary citizens to acquire their own homes. To this end, the Ministry of construction of Russia has prepared the draft program for the development of individual housing construction
In the last days of March 1945, troops of the 3rd Ukrainian front came to the Hungarian-Austrian border, and then entered the territory of Austria. We entered into a special country - the homeland of the führer
The garbage was a big problem for the correspondent "RG" that is quarantined by the coronavirus. If not relatives and friends, would not have helped even ecoconception Zero waste. But not everyone is so lucky
Russia for a week went to the actual quarantine, however, trading on exchanges will be held. Expert "RG" gave a forecast that expects the ruble after hours next week and also when to wait for significant improvements in the economy

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