Tag: XIX century
Products Ciccina enjoyed in Europe, and the personnel policies adopted by the Japanese
Dairy king Alexander Chichkin - first-Guild merchant and the entrepreneur was fond of saying: "the Poets of poets, but a barrel of oil, and cheese, and a bottle of delicious milk can equally praise their homeland, to serve the common good and the flourishing of his native land..."
200 years ago, Zhukovsky gave the palm of superiority poetic Pushkin
In the night of 6 to 7 April 1820 Pushkin ends "Ruslan and Lyudmila". In the morning he impatient note informs the Zhukovsky. Vasily sends a response, which invites Cricket to yourself.
Looked like #etisalate the times of Pushkin, Dostoevsky and Chekhov
In the top of the social networking now the tag #etisalate. The creators of the public recognize that fun is not new. Here is how the paintings and sculptures was used for entertainment in the time of Pushkin, Dostoevsky, and Chekhov
What hides behind the parish registers of St. Isaac’s Cathedral
32 735 parishioners, about which there is information in the registers of St. Isaac's Cathedral, only 188 were members of the titled nobility. What are the secrets in the personal lives of the Royal family hold the registers of the Cathedral - says the Museum of the Cathedral