Tag: Volga Federal district
Grandmothers will write e-hospital
From the sixth of April in Nizhny Novgorod region starts the new wave of electronic hospital quarantine: for working people older than 65 years. This applies to those who can't work remotely
Polyclinics have started to move to isolation
The longer the mode of isolation, the more disturbing medical issue. Many clinics, including paid, cancelled a planned reception. Even cancer research to finish nowhere
In Russia per day has been added 771 case COVID-19 to 29 regions
In Russia recorded a 771 new cases COVID-19. This is the largest number during the spread of coronavirus infection in the country. In Moscow - 595 cases, in the suburbs - 43, in St. Petersburg - 22
Self-isolation will be easier in the Louvre, the Prado and the Tretyakov gallery
Ahead of the weekend, you will need to spend at home due to the regime self-isolation. And it can be done for the benefit of the soul. For example, go to the Museum and visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
How to come out of the street residents in different regions of Russia
Mode isolation, which introduced the majority of Russian regions and demanded strict control. With this purpose there was special permits. Correspondents of "RG" to find out how to obtain them and who they put
Russian Ministers help to survive the withdrawal
Ministers have published advice for those who are forced to stay home due to the coronavirus. Told about books that can be read. How to rest from work on udalenke. And showed their fitness at home
On isolation a family can save up to six thousand a week
Quarantine and isolation can learn to save. The correspondent "the Russian newspaper" within ten days forced to sit at home, brought the three main rules, how to reduce household expenses
“Big tour online” has prepared a special program for non-working weeks
The project "Big tour online" made a special program for non-working weeks. In social networks and on the website it will be possible to watch the performances of the leading regional theaters. Live streaming starts every evening at 19.00 Moscow time
Apartment tenants on quarantine coronavirus drown in garbage
The garbage was a big problem for the correspondent "RG" that is quarantined by the coronavirus. If not relatives and friends, would not have helped even ecoconception Zero waste. But not everyone is so lucky