Tag: USA


Increase in Theft Rates during December: APD Reports 50% Spike

The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, but it also unfortunately brings an increase in burglaries according to the Austin Police...

Demand for Safer Roads after Drunk Driver Kills 29-Year-Old

The Davis family from Bastrop County, Texas, is grieving the loss of their beloved son, Grayson Davis, who tragically lost his life in a...
50 years of space crash: how to save the crew of the ship "Apollo-13"

50 years of space crash: how to save the crew of the ship “Apollo-13”

Exactly 50 years ago in the mission control center United States received a report from astronaut John Swagart: "Houston, we have a problem". Thus began the mission to rescue the disaster of the ship "Apollo-13"
The Americans sent the Syrian opposition strange "humanitarian aid"

The Americans sent the Syrian opposition strange “humanitarian aid”

Possible outbreak of coronavirus infection in the Eastern Bank of the Euphrates threatens to become a humanitarian catastrophe. And the presence there of overcrowded prisons for militants has further complicated the situation. Realizing the danger, the US sent the Syrian opposition unusual "humanitarian aid"
Oil struggling to survive: before the crisis, only a few barrels

Oil struggling to survive: before the crisis, only a few barrels

Late in the evening of 12 April (outside of signing of this number in print), the energy Ministers of the OPEC countries+ will hold a new videoconferencia – apparently, for the final initialling of the text of the agreement on joint reduction in the production of "black gold". In Russia, many industry experts believe that, without this agreement, the domestic producers would have to cut the power in half. Now the barrel there is every chance that his price went back to the bar at $40, maybe even higher. So the cost of the "barrel" will help the domestic budget go a year without "holes" that need to be close from the reserve funds. However, for the oil industry, revenues from which fill about half of the Treasury, and the contract threatens to decline by 15%.
OPEC meeting+ will determine the fate of modern Russia: the failure would be a disaster

OPEC meeting+ will determine the fate of modern Russia: the failure would be a...

An emergency meeting of OPEC countries+ scheduled for April 9, which will be held in format of teleconference – the center of attention of market players all over the world. The stakes are high: either the States together fail to agree on the reduction of production volumes of "black gold", or the barrel will fall to record low levels, bringing the economies of producing countries, and so lying on the side of the pandemic, a new untold disaster. A lot depends on participation in the dialogue States that have not previously been aside from cutting production. According to preliminary data, the consent to capacity limitation gave Norway, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Mexico, and Canada and the United States. However, the participation of the two countries in remote negotiations are not officially confirmed.
Anna Tsukanova-Cott in the Festival of mobile cinema has participated as Director and housewife

Anna Tsukanova-Cott in the Festival of mobile cinema has participated as Director and housewife

International festival of mobile cinema is being held in Russia for the second time in the year when the mobile phone was 47 years old. The event organizers decided not to cancel in a pandemic, and to carry out all in online.
The world is poorer by 5 trillion dollars: what will be the share of Russia

The world is poorer by 5 trillion dollars: what will be the share of...

Global GDP due to the pandemic will not receive for two years of more than $5 trillion, which is comparable with the annual volume of industrial production of Japan, writes Bloomberg with reference to the assessment of the banks on wall street. However, as the epidemic of the coronavirus will not guarantee that the world will get off this damage, but not 2-3 times more. As for Russia, then, according to the respondents "MK" experts to judge its economic prospects and losses is even more thankless.
Russians faces a hidden problem: vacation credit will not save

Russians faces a hidden problem: vacation credit will not save

Growth of overdue credit debt of the population to 10% the President of the National Association of professional collection agencies (NAPCA) Elman Mehdiyev. It stipulates that if properly work launched by the authorities the mechanism of vacation credit, by the end of the year number of debtors with overdue payments will grow by only 0.5-0.7 million people. However, banks are clearly not in a hurry to provide their customers caught in difficult life situation in connection with the pandemic, delay: according to the Bank, is met only 15% of all clients is to provide them with holidays. In this situation, the volume of overdue debt in the country by the end of the year will grow two times, and the expense of violators will go to the tens of millions, experts warn.
Ilya Hrzhanovsky: "a Person is given a hell of a gift of a pandemic"

Ilya Hrzhanovsky: “a Person is given a hell of a gift of a pandemic”

In the online-lecture "Catastrophe and the modern man. Who are we?" the Director and the author of the project of DAU Ilya Hrzhanovsky spoke about his film and working on a new project "Babi Yar", showing a philosophical and oratorical gifts.

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Activist Investors Increasing Their Impact on Corporate Governance

Activist Investors Increasing Their Impact on Corporate Governance

For corporate boards across every industry, there is no denying the influence of the opinions and collective power of their highly leveraged shareholders, many...

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