Tag: the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19

The correspondent of "RG" returned from infectious hospital

The correspondent of “RG” returned from infectious hospital

In the case of increasing the number of patients with the coronavirus in Irkutsk have started to convert the hospital. The readiness to receive patients in the hospital of veterans of wars - checked out the correspondent "RG"
Sobyanin told about when and how Moscow will introduce a digital pass

Sobyanin told about when and how Moscow will introduce a digital pass

Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin signed a decree according to which for trips across Moscow and Moscow region by car and public transport are special digital badge. In his blog, he described in detail the rules of implementation of the system
The pass system will work in Moscow on 15 April, you can get them from the 13th

The pass system will work in Moscow on 15 April, you can get them...

A system of digital badges in the capital to travel around Moscow and the Moscow region by car and public transport will work with future environment. But to begin their registration will be on Monday. Walking while it is possible with no gaps
Named three ways to obtain a digital pass to get around Moscow

Named three ways to obtain a digital pass to get around Moscow

April 15 in Moscow generate a digital pass for travel around the capital by car and public transport. "Russian newspaper" tells in detail about the three ways of obtaining such permits
A day in Russia added 1667 cases COVID-19 in 49 regions

A day in Russia added 1667 cases COVID-19 in 49 regions

A day in Russia revealed 1667 cases of coronavirus infection in 49 regions of the country. Died in days 12 patients. This was reported by the operational headquarters for monitoring and control of the situation with COVID-19
Murashko: Russians are not fully aware of the risks of infection

Murashko: Russians are not fully aware of the risks of infection

Russians are not fully aware of the importance of the mode of isolation and overestimated the effect of garlic and lemons, said the head of the Ministry of health Michael Murashko. He also said, when you can assess the effectiveness of measures against coronavirus
From Bangkok and Antalya April 11 will be transported 550 Russians

From Bangkok and Antalya April 11 will be transported 550 Russians

On April 11, the planned two flights for the evacuation of Russian citizens from abroad in the regions. In particular, from Bangkok to Saint Petersburg will arrive about 50 people, and then the same Board will go to Moscow with roughly 300 passengers
Employees of the Russian nuclear power plant was transferred to the "barracks"

Employees of the Russian nuclear power plant was transferred to the “barracks”

Until the end of the pandemic COVID-19 for employees of the NPP introduced a special environment. Some time they will spend in isolation in the departmental dispensaries. "RG" visited one of these resorts
How to comply with isolation, actors, Directors and writers

How to comply with isolation, actors, Directors and writers

Actors theatre "Modern" on camera reading poetry and prose, said Yuri Grymov. Writer Elena Chizhova is working on a novel. MIM Anwar Myampquot; took photos for "RG". And writer Valery Popov felt the Earth's rotation
Students and teachers have mastered remote training with no Internet

Students and teachers have mastered remote training with no Internet

In remote Russian villages the spotty Internet and cell phones. Distance learning is carried out there via email and duty tables. Helps and TV, which broadcasts a special program

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