Tag: Subsidiaries of the WG

How will the permit system in Moscow and Moscow region

How will the permit system in Moscow and Moscow region

By order of the mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin in the capital introduced a special digital pass for travel by car and public transport. How will this system operate in Moscow and the Moscow region, - in the article "WG"
Every day in Moscow is 18 thousand studies on coronavirus

Every day in Moscow is 18 thousand studies on coronavirus

Every day in the capital is 18 thousand studies on the coronavirus. This figure has led the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin. "In particular, we have ensured the testing of all patients coming to the hospital with pneumonia," said he
Sobyanin: In Moscow created COVID centers

Sobyanin: In Moscow created COVID centers

Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin has announced plans to create in the capital COVID centers. "The main task of these centers will be diagnosis and the choice of tactics of treatment of patients," - said the head of the city
Sobyanin ordered the enterprises and institutions of the city to take action against the spread of the virus

Sobyanin ordered the enterprises and institutions of the city to take action against the...

The mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin reminded the public about the amendments to the RF Code of administrative offences, which establishes liability for violation of the regime of high alert
Sobyanin: the Throughput mode is not yet entered

Sobyanin: the Throughput mode is not yet entered

The introduction of passes for getting around the city is irrelevant for Moscow, says mayor Sergei Sobyanin. "The experience of the first non-working week have shown that while this is not necessary," wrote the mayor in his blog
Sobyanin signed a law imposing fines for violation of the regime of self-isolation

Sobyanin signed a law imposing fines for violation of the regime of self-isolation

Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin signed a law providing for penalties for violation of the regime of self-isolation. For a single violation the guilty will pay four thousand rubles, for the re - five thousand
For all residents and guests of Moscow from March 30 imposed quarantine

For all residents and guests of Moscow from March 30 imposed quarantine

Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin on March 29 signed a decree that the capital is entered home quarantine for all. Citizens are forbidden to leave the place of residence, except for certain cases
The mayor reminded the residents about the importance of observing the distance

The mayor reminded the residents about the importance of observing the distance

In Moscow was closed 14.9 thousand public catering enterprises and over 40 thousand stores. "In General, the mechanism of social distancing began to work", - summed up the first days the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin and urged all to take care of yourself and stay home

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North Texas school transitions to 4-day week: What to expect

Treetops School International, a charter school in Euless, made a groundbreaking announcement this week that is sure to shake up the traditional school week...

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