Tag: sports

More than 30 employees of the Bolshoi theatre became infected with the coronavirus

More than 30 employees of the Bolshoi theatre became infected with the coronavirus

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. More than 30 employees of the Bolshoi theatre became infected with the coronavirus
The coronavirus suspected three employees of Kursk NPP

The coronavirus suspected three employees of Kursk NPP

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. The coronavirus suspected three employees of Kursk NPP
Makron: the regime of self-isolation in France is extended until may 11, the border will remain closed

Makron: the regime of self-isolation in France is extended until may 11, the border...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Makron: the regime of self-isolation in France is extended until may 11, the border will remain closed
How to organize home sports training

How to organize home sports training

Professional athletes are much easier to organize a home exercise during isolation than, for example, fans, accustomed to the control of fitness instructor. "RG" to find out how our Champions inspire fans to regular classes
In Russia and in Moscow to increase bed capacity for "davidnyc" patients, but 30% of them are just bunk. All optimized with the reform of medicine

In Russia and in Moscow to increase bed capacity for “davidnyc” patients, but 30%...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. In Russia and in Moscow to increase bed capacity for "davidnyc" patients, but 30% of them are just bunk. All optimized with the reform of medicine
Roskomnadzor demanded from Google to explain the reason for blocking YouTube Putin's treatment

Roskomnadzor demanded from Google to explain the reason for blocking YouTube Putin’s treatment

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Roskomnadzor demanded from Google to explain the reason for blocking YouTube Putin's treatment
Who: pandemic will continue until develop a vaccine against COVID-19

Who: pandemic will continue until develop a vaccine against COVID-19

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Who: pandemic will continue until develop a vaccine against COVID-19
In the championship of Russia on basketball still left the intrigue

In the championship of Russia on basketball still left the intrigue

In three Russian basketball League - men's super League 1 and super League 2, women's super League 1 not announced the official results of the tournaments. The competition closed in March, the decision on the completion of the national championship 2019/20 to accept the Executive Committee of the RBF
Putin acknowledged that the spread of the coronavirus is enhanced, and formulated the way forward

Putin acknowledged that the spread of the coronavirus is enhanced, and formulated the way...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Putin acknowledged that the spread of the coronavirus is enhanced, and formulated the way forward
Anatoly Kovantsev: In biathlon, a whole generation brought up on doping, it is not easy to readjust

Anatoly Kovantsev: In biathlon, a whole generation brought up on doping, it is not...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Anatoly Kovantsev: In biathlon, a whole generation brought up on doping, it is not easy to readjust

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