Tag: sports
The defender of “Zenit” by Smolnikova interested in Europe and overseas
All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. The defender of "Zenit" by Smolnikova interested in Europe and overseas
Moscow authorities cancel 900 thousand digital passes
All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Moscow authorities cancel 900 thousand digital passes
In Spain to combat the spread of coronavirus has introduced a program of “Noah’s...
All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. In Spain to combat the spread of coronavirus has introduced a program of "Noah's ark". In Moscow, too, had a similar program
Alina Sagitova: “We lived not very well, not enough money even to travel by...
All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Alina Sagitova: "We lived not very well, not enough money even to travel by bus"
At the entrances to Moscow riot militia, from April 15, the drivers will begin...
All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. At the entrances to Moscow riot militia, from April 15, the drivers will begin to check passes
In Ukraine have detained another suspect in the fire in the Chernobyl zone, the...
All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. In Ukraine have detained another suspect in the fire in the Chernobyl zone, the fire came close to nuclear power plants (VIDEO)
Marat Safin believes a pandemic is a worldwide conspiracy for the chipping of people
All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Marat Safin believes a pandemic is a worldwide conspiracy for the chipping of people
New coronavirus may permanently transfer business “udalenka”: the leader and home office from smartphones
All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. New coronavirus may permanently transfer business "udalenka": the leader and home office from smartphones
The number of people infected with coronavirus in Russia exceeded 21 thousand people, +2774...
All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. The number of people infected with coronavirus in Russia exceeded 21 thousand people, +2774 case per day
Victims of storms and tornadoes in the southern half of the United States were...
All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Victims of storms and tornadoes in the southern half of the United States were 32 people (PHOTO, VIDEO)