Tag: sports

Students have to learn in the summer, did not exclude in the Ministry of education

Students have to learn in the summer, did not exclude in the Ministry of...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Students have to learn in the summer, did not exclude in the Ministry of education
Taiwan began to be fined for refusing to wear protective masks on public transport

Taiwan began to be fined for refusing to wear protective masks on public transport

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Taiwan began to be fined for refusing to wear protective masks on public transport
UEFA has threatened with excommunication from the European Cup countries, the early completion of the Championships

UEFA has threatened with excommunication from the European Cup countries, the early completion of...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. UEFA has threatened with excommunication from the European Cup countries, the early completion of the Championships
In Bashkiria and Perm restricted movement on highways under the pretext of coronavirus

In Bashkiria and Perm restricted movement on highways under the pretext of coronavirus

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. In Bashkiria and Perm restricted movement on highways under the pretext of coronavirus
More than 80 countries have asked the IMF $ 20 billion to combat coronavirus

More than 80 countries have asked the IMF $ 20 billion to combat coronavirus

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. More than 80 countries have asked the IMF $ 20 billion to combat coronavirus
The head of the "Alliance of doctors" Anastasia Vasilyeva made the report "the provision of humanitarian assistance to doctors"

The head of the “Alliance of doctors” Anastasia Vasilyeva made the report “the provision...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. The head of the "Alliance of doctors" Anastasia Vasilyeva made the report "the provision of humanitarian assistance to doctors"
Russia will send to Serbia experts and equipment to combat coronavirus

Russia will send to Serbia experts and equipment to combat coronavirus

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. Russia will send to Serbia experts and equipment to combat coronavirus
The fall in business activity in the services sector of the Russian Federation in March was the highest for 11 years

The fall in business activity in the services sector of the Russian Federation in...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. The fall in business activity in the services sector of the Russian Federation in March was the highest for 11 years
The inhabitant of Ufa, released pit a car, was fined 15 thousand rubles for violation of isolation

The inhabitant of Ufa, released pit a car, was fined 15 thousand rubles for...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. The inhabitant of Ufa, released pit a car, was fined 15 thousand rubles for violation of isolation
The President of the Philippines allowed the police to fire on violators of the quarantine

The President of the Philippines allowed the police to fire on violators of the...

All the news of Russia and the world from NEWSru.com. The President of the Philippines allowed the police to fire on violators of the quarantine

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Duncanville Boys Basketball Wins 6A-D1 State Championship

SAN ANTONIO - It was a night of triumph and glory for the Duncanville Panthers as they clinched the 6A-Division 2 state championship title...

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