Tag: southern Federal district

A day in Russia added 2558 cases COVID-19 in 62 regions

A day in Russia added 2558 cases COVID-19 in 62 regions

For the past day, the number of cases COVID-19 in Russia increased by 2558 people. In the first place by the number of infected continued to the capital. Only in Russia was 18 328 cases of coronavirus infection in 82 regions
New laws reduced paid Parking and gave the cottagers a holiday

New laws reduced paid Parking and gave the cottagers a holiday

In the regions in April continue to enter into force the laws, not only related to the pandemic coronavirus infection. They create the conditions for future economic development, introduce new benefits and even holidays
Who should pay for disinfection of entrances during the quarantine

Who should pay for disinfection of entrances during the quarantine

In the regions began to disinfect the entrances of apartment buildings. Because the law is not provided, questions arise, for example, at whose expense all this to do. The correspondent "RG" was apprised of the situation
Accomplice in war crimes in the Rostov region takes refuge in Canada

Accomplice in war crimes in the Rostov region takes refuge in Canada

TFR opened a criminal case on the genocide in the Rostov region in the years of the great Patriotic war. The only living hangman - 96-year-old Helmut the Oberland, of which Canada is still not deported
The business refused to profit at the time of the epidemic of the coronavirus

The business refused to profit at the time of the epidemic of the coronavirus

Business - from large to the very small started to help people and authorities to cope with the coronavirus. And not only Russian companies but also foreign investors who operate in our country
Medical masks have become an indicator of personality

Medical masks have become an indicator of personality

Protective mask today is not only the guarantee of health and even of life, but also the indicator of humanity. Someone drives up their prices. And someone sews for their money and hands them out for free
Crimean scientist called regions threatened by fires in Chernobyl

Crimean scientist called regions threatened by fires in Chernobyl

Blazing near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant natural fires are unlikely to carry radioactive ash to the Crimean Peninsula, said Professor of General and physical chemistry of Kazan Federal University. Should be on the lookout neighbouring areas of Ukraine and Belarus
Why volunteers do not buy the products of their wards

Why volunteers do not buy the products of their wards

Volunteers do not go "to work" without masks and gloves. They have other rules. For example, buy products, vegetables and fruits only in stores. The correspondent "RG" went with them to the addresses
On the ambulance were "Macabria"

On the ambulance were “Macabria”

How to operate ambulances in the spread of coronavirus, found out the correspondent "RG". These days in room 103 began to call truckers, taxi drivers, Bank employees
Farmers will continue to sow and bread to be on duty on the highway M-4

Farmers will continue to sow and bread to be on duty on the highway...

The prices of their products Kuban farmers do not increase. And the sowing will continue. One thing they care about is the flow of cars to the sea. Had to create a mobile brigade. They ensure that villagers comply with the regime of self-isolation

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