Tag: society

George Kostiuk: Viruses may be the trigger of many diseases

George Kostiuk: Viruses may be the trigger of many diseases

In terms of isolation exacerbated the problems that already exist in the family, said the chief psychiatrist of Moscow George Kostiuk. How to cope with stress in the four walls and to protect loved ones from nervous breakdowns, he said in an interview with "RG"
More than 70 years ago Red army liberated from the Nazis the capital of Austria

More than 70 years ago Red army liberated from the Nazis the capital of...

April 13 marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Austria from Nazi invaders. Strategic offensive operation the red Army conducted from 16 March to 15 April 1945, troops of the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts
Muscovites warned about scams under the guise of volunteers

Muscovites warned about scams under the guise of volunteers

The volunteer is in possession of a badge and comes in a flat or house
Correspondent "RG" visited the Patriarchal service closed to the parishioners of the temple

Correspondent “RG” visited the Patriarchal service closed to the parishioners of the temple

Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill on palm Sunday he celebrated the divine Liturgy in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. To participate in it from now on could only the priests, the clergy and journalists. Our correspondent - among them
Coronavirus was the cause neighborhood wars "Feeds the cats out of the window"

Coronavirus was the cause neighborhood wars “Feeds the cats out of the window”

People are isolated from normal life, slowly but surely fly into a rage. It is understandable — sense of supertaste in four walls is not conducive to peace and goodwill. First from the growth of the universal nervousness affected households: around the world in recent weeks, increasing the level of family violence, as psychologists predict a surge of divorces after release from quarantine.
Cosmonaut Ivan Wagner reminded the countrymen about the city-dream Severodonesk

Cosmonaut Ivan Wagner reminded the countrymen about the city-dream Severodonesk

Cosmonautics Day on Board the ISS to learn and accept a six-month watch 123rd Russian cosmonaut Ivan Wagner. A native of a small town in Arkhangelsk region lost the right to pronounce the most important words in a festive video message from orbit
The representative of who linked the increase in cases COVID-19 in Moscow failure to comply with restrictions

The representative of who linked the increase in cases COVID-19 in Moscow failure to...

Melita Vujnović believes that the reason for the increase in the number of infected has been relaxed behavior of citizens
What was the impact of quarantine on the children in family learning

What was the impact of quarantine on the children in family learning

15 thousand of Russian schoolchildren did not notice the transition on the remote control. These are children who are on family learning. What do you think about the current schools situation, the parents of these students and professionals - in the article "WG"
As "more or less" to work during isolation with the child

As “more or less” to work during isolation with the child

Insulation with a bored child in the same apartment - quest is not easy. If parents need to work, it becomes a battle for survival. What to do with the child, shares the experience of the correspondent "RG"
Coronavirus can be transmitted through the trash: on the sorting conveyor are afraid of masks

Coronavirus can be transmitted through the trash: on the sorting conveyor are afraid of...

Medical masks now in Russia there are hundreds of million pieces. Which became so popular during the advent of coronavirus item is already almost half of the inhabitants of Moscow. Is and – throws later, the used, polluted, and possibly infected remedy. What is the fate of such specific MSW is municipal solid waste? And they can threaten us with you? In this versed correspondent "MK".

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