Tag: society

The start of the exam moved to June, enrollment will start later than usual

The start of the exam moved to June, enrollment will start later than usual

This year Unified state examination will begin on 8 June and the Main exam - 9 June. About this at the next meeting with the regional Ministers of education of the head of the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation Sergey Kravtsov
Vladimir Putin signed instructions following the address to the citizens

Vladimir Putin signed instructions following the address to the citizens

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a list of instructions following a televised address to the citizens in connection with the spread of the coronavirus. Many of them aimed at social protection of Russians
The Russians support physicians who are struggling with pandemic coronavirus

The Russians support physicians who are struggling with pandemic coronavirus

Residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities come together to thank and support the doctors who are currently fighting the epidemic COVID-19. Read more about this in the article "WG"
For all residents and guests of Moscow from March 30 imposed quarantine

For all residents and guests of Moscow from March 30 imposed quarantine

Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin on March 29 signed a decree that the capital is entered home quarantine for all. Citizens are forbidden to leave the place of residence, except for certain cases
Died great Russian writer Yuri Bondarev

Died great Russian writer Yuri Bondarev

We have yet to comprehend this loss. And not just for literature. From the last major veteran writer whose prose is, of course, largely...
The world says goodbye to the great Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki

The world says goodbye to the great Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki

On 87-m to year of life has died the Polish conductor and composer Krzysztof Penderecki. In his last interview "RG" the composer admitted: "I wanted to leave something behind. Something important. Music and your favourite Park in Luslawice"
Russian universities invite students to virtual open days

Russian universities invite students to virtual open days

Pandemic coronavirus forced Russian universities to hold Days of open doors remotely. Describe which institutions, how and when will practice this format of meetings
Specialist in Russian Philology from Portugal: Exposure of the war generation is now needed by the students

Specialist in Russian Philology from Portugal: Exposure of the war generation is now needed...

And the quarantine people are scared to leave their homes, schools, and borders closed, in a difficult situation was the teacher, considers the Russian language from Portugal Elena marochkina. In his essay for the Pushkin competition she asks the question: how to calm and empower students, whose familiar world is falling apart
The mayor reminded the residents about the importance of observing the distance

The mayor reminded the residents about the importance of observing the distance

In Moscow was closed 14.9 thousand public catering enterprises and over 40 thousand stores. "In General, the mechanism of social distancing began to work", - summed up the first days the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin and urged all to take care of yourself and stay home
How to support families in which waiting for a terminally ill child

How to support families in which waiting for a terminally ill child

In Moscow there was a perinatal palliative care program to support families who are waiting for the birth of a terminally ill child. Previously, such parents immediately issued direction on termination of pregnancy for medical reasons, and now they have a choice

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Texas Senate Pushes for More Small Starter Homes in New Neighborhoods

Texas Senate Bill Aims to Increase Affordable Housing AvailabilityIn a bid to address the housing affordability crisis in Texas, the state Senate introduced Senate...

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