Tag: society

Foreigners are allowed to stay in Russia and urged to comply with the quarantine

Foreigners are allowed to stay in Russia and urged to comply with the quarantine

The police began to circulate among foreign nationals memo on how to behave in order to protect health and not to infect others. At the same time, the foreigners were reminded that they can prolong your stay in Russia
Two-time Olympic champion Viktor Mamatov told about the military child and the deceased father

Two-time Olympic champion Viktor Mamatov told about the military child and the deceased father

"When the war started, I was five. He went missing in 1942". About what life was boy during the war - said biathlete, double Olympic champion Viktor Mamatov
April is not without frost

April is not without frost

The second spring month in Russia will be warmer than usual. In European Russia North of Moscow the temperature will be above normal by half a degree. In the North of Yakutia at night to -35, and the day is 10-15 with a minus sign
What steps are the first in the country was made by the mayor, declaring the fight against the virus

What steps are the first in the country was made by the mayor, declaring...

The Moscow experience in the fight against coronavirus infection is needed more than ever. 24 region after the capital and the Moscow region introduced a state of isolation. What is an example of capital? Read more about this in the article "RG"
The chief doctor of the hospital. Filatov urged Muscovites to stay home

The chief doctor of the hospital. Filatov urged Muscovites to stay home

The chief doctor of one of the largest Metropolitan hospitals, disused for the reception of patients with the coronavirus, called on all residents to strictly observe the regime of self-isolation. He also shared information about the dynamics of hospital admission in patients
Scientists: Patients with the coronavirus can infect after recovery

Scientists: Patients with the coronavirus can infect after recovery

Chinese scientists have found that patients with COVID-19 can remain carriers of the virus and infect after recovery. According to their findings, after the disappearance of the symptoms of coronavirus, the person remains contagious for more than a week
Psychologists gave advice on how to survive "udalenka" children, teachers and parents

Psychologists gave advice on how to survive “udalenka” children, teachers and parents

Ministry of education sent to the regions recommendations for psychological and pedagogical support of pupils, teachers and parents. "RG" publishes tips, compiled by the best specialists from the Union in mental health and psychologists, msupe
On isolation a family can save up to six thousand a week

On isolation a family can save up to six thousand a week

Quarantine and isolation can learn to save. The correspondent "the Russian newspaper" within ten days forced to sit at home, brought the three main rules, how to reduce household expenses
As postmen carry letters along with the stew, bread and candy

As postmen carry letters along with the stew, bread and candy

The majority of citizens has passed in a mode of self-isolation and remained at home, but there are people who continue to be at the forefront. Talking about couriers and postmen. How has their work these days - see the article "RG"
Ivan Yaschenko: We are obliged to offer an interesting course of mathematics

Ivan Yaschenko: We are obliged to offer an interesting course of mathematics

Parents in a panic: the math test for ninth graders appeared the problem of calculating the cost of CTP insurance policy and other non-standard jobs. Why is it necessary, "RG" asked the Director of the Centre for pedagogical skills Ivan Yashchenko

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North Texas UIL Boys Basketball State Championship Team List

Excitement is in the air as the UIL Boys Basketball State Championship draws near at the Alamodome in San Antonio. Teams from across Texas,...

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