Tag: society

Self-isolation will be easier in the Louvre, the Prado and the Tretyakov gallery

Self-isolation will be easier in the Louvre, the Prado and the Tretyakov gallery

Ahead of the weekend, you will need to spend at home due to the regime self-isolation. And it can be done for the benefit of the soul. For example, go to the Museum and visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
Vintage Russian homemade activities for #sidengama

Vintage Russian homemade activities for #sidengama

Russian arts and crafts, which in the old days our ancestors were engaged at home, would be useful to us to have something to do during the quarantine
What hides behind the parish registers of St. Isaac's Cathedral

What hides behind the parish registers of St. Isaac’s Cathedral

32 735 parishioners, about which there is information in the registers of St. Isaac's Cathedral, only 188 were members of the titled nobility. What are the secrets in the personal lives of the Royal family hold the registers of the Cathedral - says the Museum of the Cathedral
62-year-old patient COVID-19 spoke about his healing

62-year-old patient COVID-19 spoke about his healing

Sergey Aleksandrovich was the first in the Kuban region, who found the coronavirus. And he's in the risk zone. But the doctors did. Complete recovery was confirmed by two samples taken at the clinic
How to come out of the street residents in different regions of Russia

How to come out of the street residents in different regions of Russia

Mode isolation, which introduced the majority of Russian regions and demanded strict control. With this purpose there was special permits. Correspondents of "RG" to find out how to obtain them and who they put
As people sit home when we cannot go outside

As people sit home when we cannot go outside

In terms of isolation important exercise. Even a simple walk from the stove to the bed and back helps a person relieving psychological stress, experts say. Read more about this in the article "WG"
75 years ago the Soviet army stormed the capital of Slovakia

75 years ago the Soviet army stormed the capital of Slovakia

The first of April 1945, part of the 2nd Ukrainian front reached the North-Eastern outskirts of Bratislava. And already on April 4 the Soviet troops stormed the capital of Slovakia. Read more about this in the article "WG"
Russian Ministers help to survive the withdrawal

Russian Ministers help to survive the withdrawal

Ministers have published advice for those who are forced to stay home due to the coronavirus. Told about books that can be read. How to rest from work on udalenke. And showed their fitness at home
Kids online: parent five myths about the Internet

Kids online: parent five myths about the Internet

Experts from the National parent Association has published a set of helpful tips for moms and dads on how to counter the negative impact of the Internet on child
As for isolation, to keep love and strong nerves

As for isolation, to keep love and strong nerves

Self-isolation is a challenge. When the family is always at home, to quarrel in the neighborhood. How not to be afraid of bad news, coping with stress, fear of job loss? "RG" asked the psychologist Natalia Druzhinin

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Duncanville Boys Basketball Wins 6A-D1 State Championship

SAN ANTONIO - It was a night of triumph and glory for the Duncanville Panthers as they clinched the 6A-Division 2 state championship title...

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