Tag: society

Archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church: How to survive lent and celebrate Easter at home

Archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church: How to survive lent and celebrate Easter at...

Shutter - a feat primarily monastic. But the situation with the spread of the coronavirus unexpectedly gave believers the possibility of this feat and find a time for concentration, concentration, full prayer. This is especially important during lent, said Archpriest Mikhail Dudko
A new list of endangered animals adopted in Russia

A new list of endangered animals adopted in Russia

MNRE has updated unique list of endangered animals. For the first time listed in the Red book of the Russian Federation of 29 new species of birds and 14 mammals. Included and the whale, and orca
Named the main condition to end the epidemic of the coronavirus

Named the main condition to end the epidemic of the coronavirus

The correspondent "the Russian newspaper" has been in the Microbiology laboratory performing tests for COVID-19. And learned the main condition for the cessation of the epidemic coronaviruses
Sobyanin: the Throughput mode is not yet entered

Sobyanin: the Throughput mode is not yet entered

The introduction of passes for getting around the city is irrelevant for Moscow, says mayor Sergei Sobyanin. "The experience of the first non-working week have shown that while this is not necessary," wrote the mayor in his blog
How not to get bored in isolation: recommendations "RG"

How not to get bored in isolation: recommendations “RG”

Museums, theatres, concert halls, cinemas and libraries these days are closed to visitors. But they opened their virtual doors to everyone and every day delight with new premieres, exhibitions and concerts. "WP" will help you to choose the most interesting
As insulation helps to avoid an explosion in the number of cases COVID-19

As insulation helps to avoid an explosion in the number of cases COVID-19

Daily reports published by doctors in the capital COVID centers, are read as front. But here's the good news: last week the explosive growth in the number of patients there, and convalescent discharged and more
The defense Ministry has declassified documents about the release of 75 years ago Bratislava

The defense Ministry has declassified documents about the release of 75 years ago Bratislava

The Ministry of defence has published another batch of declassified documents from the holdings of the Central archive of the defense Ministry. They relate to the liberation of Bratislava from Nazi occupiers
Veteran Oleg Sobolev writes poems about Victory Day in 2030

Veteran Oleg Sobolev writes poems about Victory Day in 2030

March 16, 1944 Sergeant Oleg Sobolev cheated death. In 1946, the soldier-Leningrad returned home and saw the death notice, which came from his mother. Today Oleg Dmitrievich birthday. Let's congratulate him together and hear his poetry
The Blokhin cancer center restricted the admission of patients from COVID-19 employee

The Blokhin cancer center restricted the admission of patients from COVID-19 employee

Moscow oncological center Blokhin has suspended admission of patients to the primary office. Staff transferred to the quarantine and testing for COVID-19, confirmed "RG". This is due to test positive for the coronavirus one of the employees
In Russia per day has been added 771 case COVID-19 to 29 regions

In Russia per day has been added 771 case COVID-19 to 29 regions

In Russia recorded a 771 new cases COVID-19. This is the largest number during the spread of coronavirus infection in the country. In Moscow - 595 cases, in the suburbs - 43, in St. Petersburg - 22

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Duncanville Boys Basketball Wins 6A-D1 State Championship

SAN ANTONIO - It was a night of triumph and glory for the Duncanville Panthers as they clinched the 6A-Division 2 state championship title...

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