Tag: power

Bastrykin: Drastically reduced the number of arrests at the request of investigators

Bastrykin: Drastically reduced the number of arrests at the request of investigators

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin gave an exclusive interview to "RG". In it he, in particular, spoke about the new priorities in the work of investigators and forensics
Putin signed a law on fines and sentence for violation of quarantine

Putin signed a law on fines and sentence for violation of quarantine

The President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed the law on introduction of administrative and criminal responsibility for violation of the quarantine. When talking about serious consequences, the punishment is up to seven years of imprisonment.
How to come out of the street residents in different regions of Russia

How to come out of the street residents in different regions of Russia

Mode isolation, which introduced the majority of Russian regions and demanded strict control. With this purpose there was special permits. Correspondents of "RG" to find out how to obtain them and who they put
The Russians on quarantine will communicate about health through public services

The Russians on quarantine will communicate about health through public services

Quarantined for coronavirus citizens will need to keep an electronic log of their well-being, and at the same time confirm that are at home. This was stated by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin
In the state Duma explained what a quarantine is different from isolation

In the state Duma explained what a quarantine is different from isolation

In the state Duma told the difference between quarantine, violation of which is expected to severely punish, from isolation, which entered first in Moscow and then in other regions. Fines for violations in isolation suggested a softer
Putin held a meeting with government members in remote mode

Putin held a meeting with government members in remote mode

They held a traditional meeting of the President with members of the government, but in a new format remote. It Michael Mishustin has told about what measures have been taken to support citizens and businesses, which will be approved in the future
The health of all 135 thousand spring recruits will check

The health of all 135 thousand spring recruits will check

In Russia 1st of April officially started spring conscription. By presidential decree on 15 July, the system needs to go to 135 thousand recruits. All of them are before departure in military units will undergo strict medical control
Winemakers may allow the use of imported seedlings

Winemakers may allow the use of imported seedlings

The state Duma has proposed to allow access to government support those winemakers who in the cultivation of raw materials using imported saplings. Now support it is possible to count only when working with domestic seedlings
Vladimir Mashkov: Territorial integrity - for me it is not an amendment, and the axiom

Vladimir Mashkov: Territorial integrity – for me it is not an amendment, and the...

To make the Constitution an amendment prohibiting the alienation of Russian territory was offered by the actor Vladimir Mashkov. "Our territory belongs not only to us, it belongs to our grandfathers, fathers, grandparents, and great-great-grandfathers. And it belongs to our future generations," he said in an interview with "RG"
The Ministry of justice transfers the services of registry offices in remote form

The Ministry of justice transfers the services of registry offices in remote form

Remote registration of births and deaths will occur via electronic services of the "child Birth" and "Bereavement". The bill the Ministry of justice submitted to the government

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