Tag: North Caucasus Federal district
Can school a stress test on remote
About 95% of Russian schools have switched to distance learning, reported in the Ministry of education. This is a General figure, but in reality each school has its own situation and the problems that arose with the transition to udalenku. Survive school the stress test, understood the correspondent "RG"
A day in Russia added 1667 cases COVID-19 in 49 regions
A day in Russia revealed 1667 cases of coronavirus infection in 49 regions of the country. Died in days 12 patients. This was reported by the operational headquarters for monitoring and control of the situation with COVID-19
What ended loud stories with officials and COVID-19
"The Russian newspaper" checked, what ended loud stories with regional officials who went to work after travel abroad, without serving legitimate days in quarantine
In Russia per day has been added 771 case COVID-19 to 29 regions
In Russia recorded a 771 new cases COVID-19. This is the largest number during the spread of coronavirus infection in the country. In Moscow - 595 cases, in the suburbs - 43, in St. Petersburg - 22
How to come out of the street residents in different regions of Russia
Mode isolation, which introduced the majority of Russian regions and demanded strict control. With this purpose there was special permits. Correspondents of "RG" to find out how to obtain them and who they put