Tag: Moscow

AP PHOTOS: From Moscow to Pacific, Russia glorifies Gagarin

MOSCOW -- By a giant statue towering over Moscow into a modest monument around the Sakhalin Island in the Pacific Ocean, heaps of memorials...
To work and to the country: answers to the most common questions about digital badges

To work and to the country: answers to the most common questions about digital...

From 15 April for a trip to Moscow and the Moscow region must have a digital pass. He needed and the man who travels by private car, and to those who use public transport. The answers to the main questions of readers of "RG" in our material
A day in Russia added 2774 cases COVID-19 in 51 regions

A day in Russia added 2774 cases COVID-19 in 51 regions

A day in Russia revealed 2774 cases of coronavirus infection in 51 regions. These data are reported by the operational headquarters for monitoring and control over the situation with coronavirus
Can school a stress test on remote

Can school a stress test on remote

About 95% of Russian schools have switched to distance learning, reported in the Ministry of education. This is a General figure, but in reality each school has its own situation and the problems that arose with the transition to udalenku. Survive school the stress test, understood the correspondent "RG"
The meteorologist warned of a sudden drop in temperature and snow storms

The meteorologist warned of a sudden drop in temperature and snow storms

Changeable weather expected this week in almost all regions of Russia. Warming will be replaced by a sharp cold. On the North of the Krasnoyarsk region - Blizzard, and in the South is warmer than in the Crimea
George Kostiuk: Viruses may be the trigger of many diseases

George Kostiuk: Viruses may be the trigger of many diseases

In terms of isolation exacerbated the problems that already exist in the family, said the chief psychiatrist of Moscow George Kostiuk. How to cope with stress in the four walls and to protect loved ones from nervous breakdowns, he said in an interview with "RG"
The Ministry of construction called the most convenient ways to pay utility bills

The Ministry of construction called the most convenient ways to pay utility bills

To go out for payment ZHKU in cash is not worth it. Moreover, many Bank branches, settlement centres and cash management companies now on the weekends
How will the permit system in Moscow and Moscow region

How will the permit system in Moscow and Moscow region

By order of the mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin in the capital introduced a special digital pass for travel by car and public transport. How will this system operate in Moscow and the Moscow region, - in the article "WG"
The trumpeter gave an emotional conversation with his mother after the release of "Blue moon"

The trumpeter gave an emotional conversation with his mother after the release of “Blue...

49-year-old Ukrainian and Russian pop singer, honoured artist of Ukraine Nikolay Trubach talked about a conversation he had with his family, including mom, once in 1997 he released the song "Blue moon" on his word and music by Kim Breitburg, which was performed with Boris Moiseev
Coronavirus can be transmitted through the trash: on the sorting conveyor are afraid of masks

Coronavirus can be transmitted through the trash: on the sorting conveyor are afraid of...

Medical masks now in Russia there are hundreds of million pieces. Which became so popular during the advent of coronavirus item is already almost half of the inhabitants of Moscow. Is and – throws later, the used, polluted, and possibly infected remedy. What is the fate of such specific MSW is municipal solid waste? And they can threaten us with you? In this versed correspondent "MK".

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