Tag: middle East

The Americans sent the Syrian opposition strange "humanitarian aid"

The Americans sent the Syrian opposition strange “humanitarian aid”

Possible outbreak of coronavirus infection in the Eastern Bank of the Euphrates threatens to become a humanitarian catastrophe. And the presence there of overcrowded prisons for militants has further complicated the situation. Realizing the danger, the US sent the Syrian opposition unusual "humanitarian aid"
In the world there are only 16 countries without a coronavirus

In the world there are only 16 countries without a coronavirus

Worldwide, the rapidly growing number of those infected with the coronavirus, only for the last days of world statistics added 13 860 new cases. However, the world still left, untouched by the pandemic. Details - in the material "RG"
Per day more than 13 thousand Russians evacuated from abroad

Per day more than 13 thousand Russians evacuated from abroad

More than 13.4 thousand Russians taken March 27 from foreign countries in connection with the coronavirus, it took 106 Charter flights, said the Federal air transport Agency. On 28 Mar 92 scheduled Charter flight

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In the heart of Dallas, nestled within the hallowed halls of Southern Methodist University's DeGolyer Library, Anne Peterson serves as a guardian of history....

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