Tag: incidents
In the state Duma told the difference between quarantine, violation of which is expected to severely punish, from isolation, which entered first in Moscow and then in other regions. Fines for violations in isolation suggested a softer
General Prosecutor's office acknowledged extremist statements of one of the users "Vkontakte", who wrote about the need to eliminate patients with coronavirus
Metropolitan courts may consider the request of the investigation on the extension of a measure of restraint to the accused in jail without their presence in court. This solution is introduced in connection with the epidemiological situation in Moscow
In the EMERCOM of Russia reported about new measures to take account of the specifics during the epidemic of the coronavirus. During the period of training of children at home, the office intensified preventive work with children and their parents
Investigators are checking on the fact of dissemination of false information associated with coronavirus infection. It is noted that on 26 March a user posted a video containing false information about the restrictive measures in Moscow and region