Tag: Houston

A recent research project has entered a new phase as tiny artificial heart-tissue structures, known as cardiac organoids, were sent to the International Space Station. These organoids are being studied to understand the impact of microgravity on human heart...
Solar panels have become a common sight on rooftops in Texas, thanks to a boom in the industry. However, not all homeowners are satisfied with their decision to go solar. According to Sara DiNatale, an energy and labor reporter...
Houston voters made a significant statement on Tuesday by rejecting the largest school bond proposal in Texas history. The $4.4 billion bond package presented by Houston ISD as Propositions A and B failed to garner enough support from the...
When you have to go to small claims court or deal with an eviction notice, you rely on the justices of the peace in your county to oversee these processes. In most counties, these justices of the peace are...
Texas is currently facing a hot debate over the implementation of a school voucher program. The program would allow families to receive over $10,000 per student to spend on various educational expenses, including private school tuition. The issue has...

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Embracing the Linguistic Richness of Y’all: A Defense of Southern Vernacular

Embracing the Linguistic Richness of Y'all: A Deep Dive into Southern VernacularIn the vast landscape of the English language, certain words and phrases stand...

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