Tag: housing
The supplier and the organization appealed to the government with a warning. According to them, in the near future, the collection rate for the "communal" fall from 95-96% to 25-30%. The reason for this, in particular, will be imposed by the authorities, the moratorium on penalties for late payment of utility services and contributions for the overhaul.The utilities believe that consumers will perceive the information about the cancellation penalties as the signal: in the context of a pandemic can cease to pay the bills and it will be nothing. What if the government, heeding the threats of resursnogo, play it back, return the penalties for non-payment and will need to knock out the tenants every penny?
Deputy Moscow mayor for housing, utilities and amenities Pyotr Biryukov told reporters that the hotel burning private nursing homes will be transferred to other pensions
The government will support reoperation on municipal solid waste management in connection with increasing of volumes of exported waste. The money is to be allocated to the regions, said the office of the Vice-Premier of Victoria Abramchenko
The government submitted to the state Duma a bill to reduce the size of fees for municipal services provided to people with disabilities. The document suggests that in the case of reducing the quality of public services, will need to recalculate
The Cabinet announced new measures to support households and businesses in terms of negative impact on the economy of the coronavirus. They concern in particular utilities, health insurance, and licenses