Tag: Health

As for isolation, to keep love and strong nerves

As for isolation, to keep love and strong nerves

Self-isolation is a challenge. When the family is always at home, to quarrel in the neighborhood. How not to be afraid of bad news, coping with stress, fear of job loss? "RG" asked the psychologist Natalia Druzhinin
What steps are the first in the country was made by the mayor, declaring the fight against the virus

What steps are the first in the country was made by the mayor, declaring...

The Moscow experience in the fight against coronavirus infection is needed more than ever. 24 region after the capital and the Moscow region introduced a state of isolation. What is an example of capital? Read more about this in the article "RG"
The chief doctor of the hospital. Filatov urged Muscovites to stay home

The chief doctor of the hospital. Filatov urged Muscovites to stay home

The chief doctor of one of the largest Metropolitan hospitals, disused for the reception of patients with the coronavirus, called on all residents to strictly observe the regime of self-isolation. He also shared information about the dynamics of hospital admission in patients
Scientists: Patients with the coronavirus can infect after recovery

Scientists: Patients with the coronavirus can infect after recovery

Chinese scientists have found that patients with COVID-19 can remain carriers of the virus and infect after recovery. According to their findings, after the disappearance of the symptoms of coronavirus, the person remains contagious for more than a week
On isolation a family can save up to six thousand a week

On isolation a family can save up to six thousand a week

Quarantine and isolation can learn to save. The correspondent "the Russian newspaper" within ten days forced to sit at home, brought the three main rules, how to reduce household expenses
Mishustin: Steps of Moscow - the continuation of the policy to combat coronavirus

Mishustin: Steps of Moscow – the continuation of the policy to combat coronavirus

Measures to enhance isolation, which took Moscow and the Moscow region, justified, said Mikhail Mishustin and encouraged the regions to adopt experience. These steps are a logical continuation of the President's policies to combat the coronavirus, said the Prime Minister
The Ministry of health proposed to introduce bonuses to doctors treating patients with coronavirus

The Ministry of health proposed to introduce bonuses to doctors treating patients with coronavirus

Doctors working with infected coronavirus and find themselves at risk, can add to salaries in the amount of from 20 to 100% of normal amounts. The relevant draft resolution of the government published the Ministry of health
In Vladivostok under quarantine fled coming from Israel a couple of

In Vladivostok under quarantine fled coming from Israel a couple of

In Vladivostok, escaped from the hospital a couple who came from Israel. They were sent into quarantine with symptoms of the disease coronavirus infection. Now their data is handed over to the police
How to organize the work of the house during the period of self-isolation

How to organize the work of the house during the period of self-isolation

The main obstacle work at home - procrastination. Therefore, the first error samosoglasovannye - mixing business with a sofa, washing Windows or vigil on social networks. How to fool the brain and increase performance, said experts
In the Crimea opened the first criminal case for infection with coronavirus

In the Crimea opened the first criminal case for infection with coronavirus

In the Republic of Crimea filed the first case on the violator of the regime of self-isolation of coronavirus. He visited the medical center and infected doctor. Also discovered were nine people for violating quarantine

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