Tag: Health

Polyclinics have started to move to isolation

Polyclinics have started to move to isolation

The longer the mode of isolation, the more disturbing medical issue. Many clinics, including paid, cancelled a planned reception. Even cancer research to finish nowhere
Named the main condition to end the epidemic of the coronavirus

Named the main condition to end the epidemic of the coronavirus

The correspondent "the Russian newspaper" has been in the Microbiology laboratory performing tests for COVID-19. And learned the main condition for the cessation of the epidemic coronaviruses
Sobyanin: the Throughput mode is not yet entered

Sobyanin: the Throughput mode is not yet entered

The introduction of passes for getting around the city is irrelevant for Moscow, says mayor Sergei Sobyanin. "The experience of the first non-working week have shown that while this is not necessary," wrote the mayor in his blog
As insulation helps to avoid an explosion in the number of cases COVID-19

As insulation helps to avoid an explosion in the number of cases COVID-19

Daily reports published by doctors in the capital COVID centers, are read as front. But here's the good news: last week the explosive growth in the number of patients there, and convalescent discharged and more
The Blokhin cancer center restricted the admission of patients from COVID-19 employee

The Blokhin cancer center restricted the admission of patients from COVID-19 employee

Moscow oncological center Blokhin has suspended admission of patients to the primary office. Staff transferred to the quarantine and testing for COVID-19, confirmed "RG". This is due to test positive for the coronavirus one of the employees
In Russia per day has been added 771 case COVID-19 to 29 regions

In Russia per day has been added 771 case COVID-19 to 29 regions

In Russia recorded a 771 new cases COVID-19. This is the largest number during the spread of coronavirus infection in the country. In Moscow - 595 cases, in the suburbs - 43, in St. Petersburg - 22
Self-isolation will be easier in the Louvre, the Prado and the Tretyakov gallery

Self-isolation will be easier in the Louvre, the Prado and the Tretyakov gallery

Ahead of the weekend, you will need to spend at home due to the regime self-isolation. And it can be done for the benefit of the soul. For example, go to the Museum and visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
62-year-old patient COVID-19 spoke about his healing

62-year-old patient COVID-19 spoke about his healing

Sergey Aleksandrovich was the first in the Kuban region, who found the coronavirus. And he's in the risk zone. But the doctors did. Complete recovery was confirmed by two samples taken at the clinic
How to come out of the street residents in different regions of Russia

How to come out of the street residents in different regions of Russia

Mode isolation, which introduced the majority of Russian regions and demanded strict control. With this purpose there was special permits. Correspondents of "RG" to find out how to obtain them and who they put
Russian Ministers help to survive the withdrawal

Russian Ministers help to survive the withdrawal

Ministers have published advice for those who are forced to stay home due to the coronavirus. Told about books that can be read. How to rest from work on udalenke. And showed their fitness at home

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